Original topic:

Samsung Reminders "Today" vs Microsoft To Do's "My Day"

(Topic created: 4 hours ago)
Samsung Apps and Services
I come again, begging for this feature to be integrated. It is the only thing keeping many from transitioning fully to Samsung Reminders from Microsoft To Do.

One of the biggest advantages To Do has is its "My Day" list which helps to prioritize items from any list to be consolidated onto one easy-to-manage screen. (Keep in mind, this does not change the location of items, but just displays it more consisely for a better focus).
 With this being said, Reminders does not allow for the ability to sync the "My Day" list. It's essential that this is added if Samsung wants to maintain true continuity between PC and mobile. 

ALTERNATIVELY, Samsung can choose instead to allow any item from any list to be consolidated separately in their "Today" list, maintaining a distinction from Microsoft, if they must. 

I would like to move to Reminders for a more consistent UI experience, but cannot until there is a real contendor for Microsoft To Do's "My Day" list's functionality. 
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