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Samsung Health Feature Requests and Feedback

(Topic created: Saturday)
Samsung Apps and Services

I have a feature request that would be a very helpful for weight training, to have a page to add and customize your workouts like squats and benchpress etc, as well as create a routine that you can follow with integration on samsung health on the watch, example apps jefit and strong lifts.

83 Replies
Samsung Apps and Services
Hey in the samsung health app I love how you use the nutrition facts , can I recommend adding how much sugar is in what I'm eating altho in trying to avoid it but it's nice to know how much is in my food and within what limits( epically since all other apps I would need to **bleep** my finger and use a meter but I would like to prevent that thank you
Samsung Apps and Services

I often forget to turn off my workouts when I'm done hiking or running because I'm exhausted. Can you please make it so that you can shorten a workout that was over-recorded?

Samsung Apps and Services
I think it would be a neat idea to be able to adjust the daily values ( if in dash or mediterranean diet and you want to adjust the sodium intake )
Samsung Apps and Services

I like that I can log my food in the app for the diet I'm on.  But the search feature is very clunky. Maybe add a way to scan the barcode on the food item package with the phone camera for faster searching and more accurate results?  Everything has a barcode. 

Samsung Apps and Services

Is it possible to add a feature to the "Together" challenge for cyclists? The Samsung Health app seems awfully biased against anyone but runners and walkers aka: steps.  It seems as popular as cycling is there would be more features and benefits to owning a Samsung watch other then to record a workout. I'd LOVE to join the fun in some of the programs that are offered for runners/walkers but it seems cycling just isn't an option. PLEASE consider adding a toggle or setting to choose what sport you participate in as to fine tune what content shows up in the Samsung Health app, and the "Together" challenges (steps = miles, shouldn't be that hard)

Samsung Apps and Services

The app now has this persistent banner saying I can "Choose an interest". The choices are Overall Health, Sleep, Exercise, and Healthy Weight. I wanted to choose "Overall Health" but the "Next" button is greyed out. The banner never seems to go away either. I want to focus it on Overall Health, but it seems like I'm forced to choose one of those other three areas to proceed, otherwise the banner stays there forever. Please fix.


On several occasions I have checked my sleep score and it has been "needs attention" but only because either my watch was out of battery and turned itself off during my sleep or I woke up and turned my watch on after forgetting I hadn't done so after charging my watch.

Both my phone and watch are aware of the status of my watch and yet it is not used as a datapoint when it tries to tell you how well you've slept based upon a likelihood that it didn't measure the whole time.

The score if my sleep today told me I had no sleep past 3:30 but my phone ran out of juice. Health app needs to factor this in. Either provide partial result or allow a user to edit the score based upon power data.


Neutron Star
Samsung Apps and Services

In the meantime, you have the ability to delete the sleep record and add your sleep time manually. Of course, you won't get the sleep cycle/snoring/blood oxygen stats and graphs, but you'd have the record.


Why would you turn your watch off when you charge it, unless you allow the battery to continually run down to 0%, which is not good for the watch. Why isn't it a reflex action for you to turn the watch back on immediately after taking it off the charger?

Samsung Apps and Services

It's where I've been out and battery ran out, I.put on charge and forget to turn it on. 

I was under the perception that charging something without also using power when its on would charge faster.

At the time of putting watch on charge, it wouldn't turn on until at least 1% charged.

I cannot see option to override with manual input. That's only there before it syncs and then the option disappears after

Neutron Star
Samsung Apps and Services
I'm just saying, my watch always has a charge when I put it on the charger, but just like it's a reflexive action for me to unlock it when I return it to my wrist, I would think turning it on would be the same kind if reflex for you. Since the watch has been getting iffy battery life lately, I also got into the habit of checking the level in the evening and sitting it on the charger for a bit so it's over 40% before bed. I also purchased and carry with me a power bank made specifically for the watch that fits on a keychain. Like this one https://a.co/d/06OGxxdv

Also, with a watch battery being such small capacity it's a marginal time savings with the watch being off while charging, and constantly letting the battery fully discharge is not good for the battery.