Original topic:

Samsung AirDresser, Empty the drain tank

(Topic created: 01-14-2025 12:12 PM)
Washers and Dryers

I would like to share my experience of using the AirDresser (model: DF60R8200DG/A1) for the past three years. It was great to use the AirDresser to wear clean and fresh clothes every day after coming home from work. However, since last summer, I have been unable to use it due to the "Empty the drain tank" error message along with the 1C1 error message.

When I shared the error message and requested a repair through Samsung customer service, they said there was no way to fix it and introduced me to several local appliance repair centers. When I contacted the local service centers, most of them did not know what an AirDresser was or how to fix it. Eventually, I shared this problem with Samsung customer service, but every time I inquired, they said they couldn't fix it either.

As a result, I have not been able to use the AirDresser for over six months and have no way to fix it. I have not been able to get a definite answer from anywhere, so I am leaving a message here. Is there any way I can repair and continue using my AirDresser?

6 Replies
Honored Contributor
Washers and Dryers
This is the first time I've ever heard of an air dresser and had to look it up. Since I know nothing about it, I can only hazard a guess for a suggestion, which I'm sure you may have tried already. I assume the tank is removable. If there is more than one tank (for instance, water tank to generate clean steam and a discharge tank to collect the condensation/soiled water), i would suggest removing both tanks, checking for debris or blockage in the drains and carefully reseating the tanks. If you have the manual, or can obtain it online, there may be some info on troubleshooting and error codes. Sorry I can't be of more help.
Honored Contributor
Washers and Dryers
It appears the 1C1 error is an issue with the sensor that indicates whether the drain tank is empty or full and it seems to think your tank is full. In my search, I've seen a lot of complaints about this issue. The consensus seems to be that there is a lack of the part availability, but it's also possible that people didn't try very hard to obtain it. It seems to me that a local, non Samsung authorized repair shop may not have heard of the air dresser, so you may want to see if you can locate a local place that is Samsung authorized. They are more likely to know what it is and obtain the part.
Washers and Dryers

Thank you for your reply. As you mentioned, any of local non Samsung authorized repair shop was not able to repair the air dresser since they don't know about it. Samsung customer service was not able to issue a ticket to Samsung authorized repair shops because they were not able to find any of Samsung authorized shops who can repair this issue. I have no ideas how to repair my air dresser.

Honored Contributor
Washers and Dryers

So, essentially you have an expensive spare closet.  Have you tried seeing if Samsung Parts has the sensor in question?  If you are not all thumbs, it may be a simple do-it-yourself replacement.  And it really is kind of bad form to sell a product that cannot be repaired.

Honored Contributor
Washers and Dryers

I found this on Samsungparts.com - it's the self-repair guide.  It may help. Page 80 & 87 of the manual (jump from the table of contents-troubleshoot by error code) shows the location of the sensors so you may be able to jiggle them.  Also, calling Samsung Parts, which is separate from Samsung CS, you *should* be able to get the part should it prove defective rather than unseated.


Washers and Dryers

Thank you for all these information! I will review them soon and update you if this helps to resolve my issue.