Original topic:

Washing machine making noise, door gasket loose

(Topic created: 12-30-2024 04:10 AM)
Washers and Dryers

Hello all,

Got a new machine in June, supposedly with a 5 year warranty.   Popped out of the shower last week and the machine was making a strange noise - looking at it the outer metal ring that holds the rubber seal in place was rattling around the window during a normal mixed load, which was light enough in weight to go down in time.  Sorry I don't know the correct terms.  Obviously stopped the machine and emptied it before the load had finished.   Looking under the rubber at the front there seems to be abrasion to the hard looking block on the left (I don't know what these concrete colored blocks are called)   speaking to Samsung when the lady called she said because the damage was just to the tubing it wasn't covered under warranty - I don't understand how this could be as it's not an old machine.   How is it fit for purpose?  Why on earth has that metal ring came off?  As I'm not a washing machine expert, how am I qualified to assess the damage?  How is this not against consumer rights? 

Thank you in advance for reading and any advice.  

2 Replies
Washers and Dryers
Concrete blocks are there to keep the machine balanced. I read to stop using the machine, as the machine could possibly cause damage to your home. Maybe it was installed incorrectly as to why the ring came out.
Washers and Dryers

They are counter weights on both sides of the drum on the front, I had one break apart the other day, a bolt must have snapped that was holding it, a piece about 3 or 4 pounds was on the bottom inside the washer, it's about a $147 part!  machine is only 3 yrs old