Original topic:

Samsung VTRplus washing machine

(Topic created: Sunday)
Washers and Dryers
Model # WA45M7O5OAW/A4

I'm really not sure what is going on with my washer. It seems the child lock is stuck. I'm not sure how it even got locked in the first place as i never use it.
I have tried doing a reset on it by unplugging it aand making sure all current was out then fallowing the instructions on plugging back in with no results.
I have also tried releasing the lock by holding the 2 buttons together, i have even held it as long as 5 mins with no results. 
I have even tried a number of combinations of holding other buttons again nothing 
The only button i get any response from is the Start/pause button, but all I get is the alarm about the lid being locked. 
I'm at a loss any advice or ideas would be helpful, TYIA 
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