Original topic:

Good computer for writing

(Topic created: 03-04-2023 04:32 AM)

I am in the market for a Samsung computer that is great for writing, any suggestions? I have been on the internet and I don't see any samsung that people advise. I love Samsung and wanted to give the community a try. Ty in advance! 


5 Replies
Honored Contributor
Usually when you purchase a phone, whether an Android or iPhone, your buying into the device's ecosystem. I have several Samsung products, a Samsung phone, two Samsung TVs, and a Samsung refrigerator. I have Alexa on an Amazon Echo and on several wall switches throughout the house. I have Android everywhere and they all work together to automate my home. That said, I don't think it is necessary to have a Samsung laptop to be connected to your Samsung phone. Microsoft has developed Link To Windows ( https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.microsoft.appmanager ) which allows me to use my phone from my laptop and/or desktop running Windows 11.

So it really raises the question as what do you want to accomplish on your laptop and what benefits would having a Samsung laptop allow that can't be performed on any other laptop running Windows 10 or 11.

The only advantage I have found is that a Samsung laptop would allow you to easily stream media to a Samsung TV, but I can do that with my Samsung phone, so, for me, there was no added benefit to buying a Samsung brand laptop.

As a writer, I found Microsoft's Book Pro 8 to meet all my needs. I like typing on it to write fiction, check my email, and do all my other daily tasks. As a 2-in-1, I like to use the it as a tablet to draw, read ebooks, and take notes in OneNote. It is my productivity machine. My PC is primarily my gaming machine, but on a few occasions is used for production when a second screen makes a task simpler, like when compiling data to a spreadsheet or balancing an account.

My phone fills in any gaps when on the move and away from my other devices.

In short, it is really helpful to know what goals you wish to perform on the laptop and then doing the heavy research to find what might best help you to meet the goals. Are you going to write using MSWord or Google Documents. Do you like Microsoft laptops or ASUS or HP or Dell or ... there are so many choices. But what is right for others, may not be right for you. So know what you want to use the machine for, then do the research BEFORE you buy.

So here's my pitch. For $69.99 a year (less than $6 a month) I get the full suit of Microsoft Office products and 1TB of cloud storage for all my documents and photos across all my devices; phone, laptop, and desktop PC. For me, it's a no brainer. Something dies or crashes, no worries, it's safely in my cloud storage. I start a document on my phone or laptop or PC, and can pick up where I left off on another device without having to mess with cables or flash drives cause the document is in the cloud.
I am a grant writer and i need to use it for all things writing! I have seen reviews on the Microsoft laptop you have. I have Apple 12 and Samsung flip 4 phones and I have all my devices running together. I don't see too much about samsung laptops that's why I was curious
Honored Contributor
Thank you.

I found the situation to be the same. Not much excitement about any of the Samsung laptops.

I find your use of both Apple and Android devices amazing. Often they don't play well together. I have had a few issues with Google and Microsoft myself.
I thought that would be the issue with my devices because I only got the iPhone for work, I'm a android lover lol so I had samsung earbuds and all but they pair with my iPhone and ALL my devices work well together. I've researched laptops and the Mac air is like#1 and very expensive🤦🏾‍:female_sign:
Honored Contributor
Well, the Book Pro 8 isn't cheap either, but with technology, you often get what you pay for.