Original topic:

Feature Request: Print option for Emergency Medical Information

(Topic created: 08-19-2024 09:43 AM)
Fold & Flip Phones
I am using your Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 5 but this freature suggestion is for all phones. 
As a retired medical professional, I really like your Safety and Emergency section in your settings. Especially the Medical Information Section and the ability of emergency personnel being able to access that information quickly and directly from the phone dialing screen without having to unlock the phone. In mine I list prior surgeries with dates, any other medical conditions, immunizations and exams and where they were completed like x-rays, MRI's, CAT Scans, Colonoscopy, Eye exams, Cardiology exams ect. Any allergies, and any medications along with the strength and how often taken. And important family history as needed. 
As a Medical Professional I know this information is not only critical in an emergency but also very useful during routine visits to the doctors office. I would recommend having a way to print out this information directly fron the Medical Information section with-in settings so you can had the information directly to the Technician or Doctor for inclusion into your records. This saves them time during the appointment. Currently I have to update my medical information in two different areas, one in the settings section and again using another word processing program such as Docs, Notes, MS Word etc. So I can print out the information each time i see my primary doctor or for a specialist appointment. One location where it is accessible and also printable would be much preferred. Additionally, I would add a section to list the persons Primary Care Manager (Doctor), their address and phone number. 
2 Replies
Fold & Flip Phones
Wow! Thank you,very useful info.
Community Manager
Community Manager
Fold & Flip Phones

Thank you for your interest in sharing your idea with Samsung. We appreciate your feedback and will tag it on the forum so that it will appear with other feedback, ideas, and requests. This will allow your post to be more easily found in the event that Samsung product groups are seeking outside feedback/requests/ideas regarding our products.