Original topic:

Photo Ambient Wallpaper on Flip5 Lockscreen

(Topic created: a month ago)
Fold & Flip Phones
I have been fooling around trying to get the newer options to work on my phone where you can get current snow, rain conditions on your wallpaper on the lock screen (photo ambient)

I have only lightly looked into it and was pondering if anyone got it working. I also tried to do it on a Samsung S23U but both get stuck at the same point.

The option loads but I cannot get past the point where you have to enter your your location. I even tried to remove the 'weather' apk and it actually blocked my attempt by showing an error while trying to download the apk from the Galaxy Store.

I don't think it'll happen, especially with the new Play Store & Samsung features that don't allow you to side-load apps.

What does anyone else think or have experienced?

These are the apps I see associated with this particular feature (or needed to work). Now mind you I'm no programmer and I'm only tinkering with the idea of getting this (because I don't think it'll work it's way down to these phones or older)


Samsung Vision Core com.samsung.android.app.dressroom



#S23 #flip #ambient #wallpaper #lockscreen #weather #
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