Original topic:

Buds3 Pro - sound quality & effects setting questions

(Topic created: 08-30-2024 09:01 AM)
Galaxy Buds
 Hello all. I just watched a YouTube video about using the Buds3 Pro, and am kind of perplexed. I'm pretty sure the guy posting the video is Australian, and it looks like the phone he's using for the demo is an S24 Ultra (not sure, though), which is the phone I'm using.
 During his explanation of the settings and features of the Buds3 Pro, and showing them on his phone using the Wearable app, when he taps the 'sound quality and effects' button, he show a whole HOST of settings (mostly to do with equalizer customization), and an on/off button for 'loudness normalization' that I don't see in my settings.
 I'm assuming these extra settings are coming with the rumored UI 6.1.1 update, am I correct?
 If so, my mind will be put at ease, and I'll just wait patiently like everyone else for the update release.
 BUT- I have to say that overall, I am EXTREMELY happy with my Buds3 Pro. I pre - ordered them on July 13th, and didn't get them from my local Best Buy store until August 23rd, but they were well worth the wait. They sound better than any earbuds (or even headphones) that I have ever owned, zero quality issues cosmetic or otherwise. And I have changed the eartips multiple times without issue.
 GREAT job, Samsung (once again!).
3 Replies
Galactic Samsung Care Ambassador
Galaxy Buds
They were most likely using a fold 6 you will see those settings once you get a phone update to 6.1.1

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Galaxy Buds
Thanks so much. I assumed that was the case, those extra settings look like they really expand the customization and (already great) sound quality. Thanks again for the fast response!
Galactic Samsung Care Ambassador
Galaxy Buds
Your welcome happy to help

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