Original topic:

Buds3 skipping due to announcement in surrounding area

(Topic created: Sunday)
Galaxy Buds

So every morning on my train commute (sometimes bus) I use my buds3 pro. Every time there's an announcement my music or show will skip to the next song or episode or if a movie, will just skip to the next chapter of the movie. Any ideas on what is causing it and how to fix it? I've tried everything I can think of but no luck! Any tips and help is appreciated!!!!

1 Reply
Honored Contributor
Galaxy Buds
The PA system announces, "Next stop," triggering the next song command. I have this same problem. I take public transportation everyday, I have to turn off VOICE COMMANDS every time using it.

I have reported this in feedback numerous times. I don't think they will ever change the hot word NEXT to anything else. I have suggested skip song as a replacement.