Original topic:

Galaxy Buds Series allergic reaction

(Topic created: 11-17-2021 02:36 AM)
Galaxy Buds

I, like so many others, am having severe issues with my ears after wearing my Buds Pro. I awoke this morning at 3:30 with very wet ears. They also are very itchy.

This is the second time this has happened. The first time I had the same symptoms. But, after my ears began to heal, the flaking and extreme itching began. I noticed it began not long after wearing them. I discontinued use.

Last night, I wanted to try again. I wiped down the silicone tips with alcohol. I wore them for roughly 10 minutes and here we are. Wide awake on a work day with awful symptoms.

I own multiple Samsung devices. My televisions (2), 4K UHD Bluray, sound bar and surround sound, phones, tablets and I just bought the Galaxy Book Go. I love that I can connect everything. Needless to say, I am disappointed in the Buds.

What can be done to make this right? Thank you. 


397 Replies
Galaxy Buds
I didn't notice off the bat but after over time use I started developing the rash and felt liquid oozing out of my ears.
Galaxy Buds
Sounds like your earbuds are giving you Swimmer's Ear. You are going to have to change the type to one that doesn't plug the ear.
Not applicable
Galaxy Buds
How long have you had those and where did you buy them honestly you'd have to go back to the retailer you purchased them from and it would be up to there return period also probably there may be latex in them possibly I don't know do you have a latex allergy
Galaxy Buds
I've had them for maybe a month now. My first pair was fine and caused no irritation, but accidentally flushed those down the toilet, so I bought another pair and started having the ear issues.
Not applicable
Galaxy Buds
That's really really weird I wonder what's going on
Galaxy Buds
I was reading that they changed the production from the previous ones and are now made with nickel in it and people are having the allergic reaction to the nickel.
Not applicable
Galaxy Buds
😮 🤪 yeah I started reading stuff about them too and finding that there's a bunch of people with a class action against Samsung for it
Community Manager
Community Manager
Galaxy Buds

Hello, I understand how concerning an allergic reaction can be. Samsung is reviewing these incidents on a case-by-case basis with our specialized team.  Our support teams are able to set up a call back with our specialized team to address this further.

In order to get this call back set up you can go a couple of different routes: 

1.) Call 1.800.726.7864 and explain the situation.


2.) Feel free to reach out to our Facebook and Twitter support team via Private/Direct message. 



3.) You can PM any of our moderators by clicking the following link or clicking on any of the moderators' names and selecting the message option. http://bit.ly/2XERsky  

*Please note: We are experiencing higher than normal traffic, if you do message a moderator, we do our best to get to you in a timely manner, but we are a small team of people, and ask to please have patience with us, there may be a small delay in our replies, but we will get to you as soon as possible! 


When reaching out please provide the following information:

Full name:
Complete physical address:
Contact phone number:
Alternate phone number:
Email address:
Model Code of the earbuds:
Serial number of the earbuds from the bottom of the charging cradle:

Please include any photographs, or if you have sought medical attention, please have these documents available at the time our specialized team reaches out to you. 


Be sure to click " ✓ Accept as Solution" when you find an answer that works for you.

Please note, notification emails are a DO NOT REPLY address, you must log-in on the community page in order to respond.

Cosmic Ray
Galaxy Buds
I'm having the same issue
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy Buds
Call 1-800-Samsung to file a ticket