Original topic:

Opinion on the buds FE?

(Topic created: 03-18-2024 12:36 PM)
Galaxy Buds
I've had the buds FE since they came out and I have loved them, the mid/highs are definitely lacking in sound but the battery and the fit in my ear is perfect.

I just recently got the 2Pros and it's taking me time to get used to the fit and the battery is subpar. I definitely love the volume controls with the double ear tap, the 360 audio, and speaking detection. but the one thing that shocks me is the noise canceling was better on the buds FE. I still think the transparent audio is better on the 2Pros though. 

what sucks is that the budsFE are... what they are..
; a cheap pair of samsung earbuds. they cut so many features and hyperfocussed on the ones they had, they did spectacular for what they are.

I'm now really excited on what they are going to pull out for the buds3 and buds 3pro
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