Original topic:

Please Fix Buds 3 Pro

(Topic created: Thursday)
Galaxy Buds
Any way that you could add the ability to maybe choose the option (giving example) press once to answer phone calls and press twice to end calls. Just for the sake of the fact that sometimes we may take out our earbuds cause our ear is itching and when I go to put one if not both back in, I may accidentally press the button and end the call. Definitely not good especially say if you are on the phone with a company and been on hold/que. Just a thought..

Also there is a problem I've came across while in ambient sound mode. So when I go to put in my buds I do apply a little bit of force/pressure (nothing unreasonable) to get a nice secure fit and while doing so it will have a high pitch like beep that goes off in my ear. And then on top of that I went to mcdonald's and in the drive through window paying for my food their fountain pop machine or whatever it was made a quick and loud noise and the buds in ambient sound mode try to block it out but make it worse by amplifying it and making it sound even worse.

Or maybe it's just me and I'm possibly doing something wrong. Hoping that a software update or 2 may fix and incorporate the double press feature for ending calls. And possibly more press options.

Thank you for your time. If anyone knows anywhere besides here to post to hopefully get a developers attention please let me know. Would really like to get them to at least view this or hear me out on this. Again, thank you.
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