Original topic:

It seems like everyone is having trouble with all that comes with Google 🫣 🤔

(Topic created: 10 hours ago)
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S Phones
It seems like everyone that's using Samsung is not only having trouble with just about everyone that comes with Google and for sure with Google maps y would I move in a new place then Google maps tills me from the only time it was updated was back in 2020 then when I moved in where I'm at now I seen it was updated 6 months n where u could see the pictures from where it was updated last i seen it was updat right around the time I got here then when told someone about it now when I'm looking it's showing like this address is next door because it's showing the place next door to me then I got looking more. And I do like to ask does anyone else as a way to update a address to edd a address n other things like that ????  But after getting on here n seeing all the other ppl having trouble on top of seeing all the changing things from busses to home getting sold new Address getting put up I do got to say I'm really wording if someone as not hunt right in to the main site and making all these changes because not only myself having trouble now but seeing all the other ppl having them to so I have gotten ahold of this place trun these things in. So it's just a matter of time but things we'll be fine again. I love to know on Google maps before a trun is before I get there and going the bast route and getting told by Google maps before second-hand which way to go where to trun off n when I'm there. Hopefully these things be fixed again because I don't like even all these Emails coming tho that I haven't never gotten before and having to put not only one other new Email to keep my first one safer than it got where I put up a 3rd Email even on a different phone a Samsung s15 5G but then things just got worse but my cell I'm on now is a Samsung s12 other that I got from Verizon but the Samsung s15 5G is from T-Mobile also this is y IA.m thinking someone as hints in to the main site is because I ended up getting a sim from Qlink on my Samsung I had to go back to using them other than the other free time but tho Qlink and then I seen it was asking me to put in the Sim that's continued to my Verizon account 🤔 so I been looking around 🫣and then I got a new Sim card with a new number and things got lil better I'm not seeing no more to install the Sim that's link to my Verizon account anymore just the one that says the Sim is not there. But as anyone else seen on Google maps about the update from 2020 to a new update from anyone that's been renting or even if it's your home as anyone else seen that in 2023 it was updated from 2020 or before in TN. Just love to know if anyone else as seen these changes on there Google maps also AND AS ANYONE EVER BEEN ABLE TO UPDATE A ADDRESS TO EDD A ADDRESS OR TO UPDATE A ADDRESS BECAUSE ON THIS PHONE I CAN SEE GOOGLE ASKING ME THAT STUFF N ON MY OTHER CELL ITS JUST LIKE IT WAS BEFORE ITS SHOWING THE ADDRESS I LIVE BUT THIS ONE IS SHOWING LIKE MY ADDRESS IS NEXT DOOR. JUST IN MY 30 YEARS OR LONGER I HAVE NEVER SEEN HOW GOOGLE MAPS LOOKS TODAY AND THE OTHER TRUBLE WITH ALL THE CHANGING GOING ON AROUND NOT ONLY AROUND GOOGLE MAPS EVERYTHING ABOUT GOOGLE N OTHER THINGS IS NOT LIKE IT WAS BEFORE 2020 BUT HOPEFULLY THINGS WELL BE BACK TO HOW IT WAS WHEN IT COMES TO GOOGLE N EVEN IN THE WORD I LIKE TO SEE EVERYWHERE AND EVERYONES IN THE WORD COMES TOGETHER MAKING NOT ONLY GOOGLE OR OTHER THINGS LIKE THAT BETTER I WOULD LOVE TO MAKE THE WORD A GREAT AND AMAZING PLACE LOVE AND BEING KIND EVERYWHERE EVEN TO THE ONES THAT NOT ONLY LIVES NIXT DOOR TO US BUT ALL AROUND THE WORLD WOULD BE ALOT BETTER OFF. But if anyone else as seen things like what i have said about Google maps lmk and as others been getting all kinds of emails u never gotten before and texts on your phone number from number like 123456 but don't look like a real number is what I'm trying to ask but every one keep posting about any trouble I be looking thanks so much n everyone have a beautiful day and night. 

6 Replies
Galaxy S Phones
I feel dizzy reading that. I couldn't follow that at all. I'm saying this in a very nice way. You need to use more punctuation. Not using any is the same as you never taking a breath when speaking.
Galaxy S Phones
I couldn't even finish it. I couldn't follow along anymore.
Red Giant
Galaxy S Phones
My head hurts! I'm taking two aspirin and going to bed and I will try again in the morning. Please be a little more succinct when you post.
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S Phones
I copied into notes and had a summary generated because this was crazy long to read..

• Google Maps has been experiencing issues, including outdated maps, incorrect addresses, and confusing updates.

• Users are facing difficulties in updating addresses and navigating accurately.

• The changes have affected both homeowners and renters in Tennessee.

• Additionally, users have noticed an increase in unusual emails and texts with suspicious phone numbers.

• Despite these challenges, people are hopeful that Google will resolve the problems and restore the platform's functionality.
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S Phones

I don't even bother trying to read when someone goes on and on and on without punctuation, grammar or basic sentence structure. If they can't stop, slow down and articulate a problem, then they will not understand any solution you try to give them anyway.

Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S Phones
I didn't either.. I just used the notes summarize feature 😂