Original topic:

WHole phone hangs on accessing "Secure Folder"

(Topic created: 7 hours ago)
Galaxy S Phones

Whenever I access my secure folder, the whole phone hangs up.  It's an "S20+ 5G".

I try using the little pointy key thingy but it seems to do nothing.  If I just leave the phone alone for 1-10 minutes, it appears to come back to life, but there after it restarts every few minutes, and hangs up again.  (By that I mean, no buttons or touch screen response at all.)

I calls, texts, noting works, ... and I'm so dependent on this thing!

Can anyone please tell me how to remedy this problem?  I'm willing to copy the "secure Folder" to and UNSECURE location, and forget the former, but any access to the secure folder causes the whole thing to hang again. 

When left alone, like, over night, it appears to work fine again, so long as I stay well away from the secure folder! 

Can anyone please tell me how to remedy this problem? I'm willing to copy the "secure Folder" to and UNSECURE location, and forget the former, but any access to the secure folder causes the whole thing to hang again.

Thank you in advance for a remedy on this, my first post.


Waynesville, NC

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