Original topic:

Unlock to complete setup?

(Topic created: a week ago)
Julie B
Galaxy S21

Why does the s21+ require screen unlockfor it to finish setup? Can I change that in the settings? 

EVERY TIME there is an update,  the phone restarts and you need to unlock it so it can finish setting up. But if you don't unlock it it will not completely start and your alarms don't go off. 
My husband has the same phone, purchased the same day at Verizon. His does not do this.  Both our phones updated last night.  His restarted and alarm went off just fine.  Mine did not. It wanted my screen to be unlocked.  This is so frustrating.  How do I fix it? 
1 Reply
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S21
It doesnt. Updates complete in the locked state. Every time a phone is restarted it needs to be unlocked to be functional, update or not. The only way you can turn off requiring the unlock is to disable the security.
It is possible that your husband's update started & completed prior to yours so it was done before it was time for his alarm to go off and he did not have to unlock his phone to complete the update. Setup will complete whether locked or unlocked. I could be wrong, but I don't think alarms are disabled during the process unless your phone just happened to be in the reboot process when your alarm was set to go off.