Original topic:

4K Movies NOT supported

(Topic created: 05-14-2022 04:04 PM)
Galaxy S22
So I just purchased  4K movies to watch on my S22 Ultra and I come to find out it's NOT supported the movies are capable but my phone's not. 

Seems like false advertising to me since Samsung always gloating about 4K and 8k videos to record but before I jump the gun does anyone know if there is something I maybe missing?

UPDATE for clarification since I have had a harassing troll in the group. As I do KNOW and have stated " seems like false advertising " is NOT a statement of fact to be it simply is my opinion of such because I had learned after pasting this that the S22 series can only reach 1440P. I consider this half functionality because technically it is since the display cannot produce the same resolution that is capable of being recorded. 

There are other cellphones with 4K displays within the same price point and slightly cheaper. Although Samsung has a decent user interface the point is to show existing products that can compete with Samsung for content performance. Yes, people can't visually see the difference but the point is Rather paying for half functionality ( 4K recording with no 4K play back) a person could receive that performance from other cellphones for similar price points (Sony). 

Such a discussion is ok to be had as it opens technological dialogue in the community. Ultimate this is one I find interesting and should be had since we pay for 4K and 8K recording. Again this is a discussion post as well as a discovery post for myself and those who may not know. 

I do not condone harassment or misrepresentation of anything anyone says here. Please be respectful as I have not received such from a specific member in this discussion
20 Replies
Neutron Star
Galaxy S22

Base 1440p is 2560 x 1440 or 3,686,400 pixels.
Base 4k is 3840 x 2160 or 8,294,400 pixels.
A difference of 4,608,000 (that is 921,600 pixels MORE than double that of 1440p)

No device can play a movie at native resolution when the device does not go up to that resolution.  You cannot play a movie with 8,294,400 (4k= 3840 x 2160) pixels in it on a display that only has 3,686,400 pixels (this is the viewing area of a 16:9 movie 2560 x 1440).   A movie that was recorded in 4k, would have to be translated down to 1440p in order to display on the screen, there is no way around this, if you want to see the full frame on each frame.  If your movie players are not familiar with the hardware on your device, then they would translate them down to a best known good resolution (in this case 1920 x 1080).  As for videos captured by this device, It can, indeed record at 4k, or even 8k.  These videos are not intended to be played by the phone, but instead be viewed on either a 4k or 8k device. 

There are very few 4k cameras, or 8k cameras that will actually play back, in native resolution, the things that they record.

The reason that the Sony devices are the only ones with 4k on them, is that other manufactures find this to be an overkill.  Very few humans, on the planet, can see the individual pixels at this resolution, on a device that is less than 7", and I would wager that most would not be able to tell that 4,608,000 more pixels are even present in the first place.

4k movies can be played with this device.  The movies IT records in 4k can be played.  YouTube videos in 4k can be played.  4k video files transferred to the device, in a format it recognizes can be played.  All of these will be stepped down to 1440p, but will play.  The video players you specified WILL play the video, they are just stepping down to 1080, due to a problem with the respective software (most likely that they have not been updated to see the S22's hardware compatibilities... yet)
