Original topic:

Apps Hidden/Can't Be Located After Update from August 12, 2024

(Topic created: 5 hours ago)
Galaxy S22

My Galaxy S22 Ultra automatically updated on August 12, 2024, after which several of my apps in the Apps pages disappeared from view, but are still available through the search function. I have my apps organized in folders, and it appears that 2-3 of my folders have been removed, and their apps are hidden. One folder housed all of my games. I honestly do not remember what the other folders had in them. The folders on my home screen are fine and untouched, but the folders in the Apps pages/screen are missing from view.

What happened, and how can I get the folders visible again?

1 Reply
Galaxy S22

I found a solution from someone sharing the same experience from a year ago:

  1. Open Game launcher/Gaming Hub
  2. Click the 3 line menu in lower right
  3. Click on Settings
  4. Click on Show game apps
  5. Change this setting to "In Game Launcher and the Home and Apps screens"

Thanks @LongHiker!