Original topic:

Google search - searched website comed in dark mode

(Topic created: yesterday)
Galaxy S22

Hi,after the July update, when I search on Google  I get a black background. On chrome app, it is light mode. I have gone to different settings, it is set to light mode. When I go to Google and search, the searched website appears in dark mode. It drives me crazy. Please help

1 Reply
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S22

When you search, are the websites you are going to videos or just regular websites?  I notice any site I pull up from using the search widget with video goes to dark mode.  Never paid much attention before. Any regular website comes up in light mode. What happens if you search from within Chrome?  Is the background on your Google widget dark or light?  If it's dark is your phone theme dark or light?  If your phone theme is light and the search widget is dark, try turning your phone to dark mode and then back to light.