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MEGA THREAD: One UI 6 General Feedback

(Topic created: 01-18-2024 06:25 PM)
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S22

Awful update of one UI 6. Recently upgraded my s22 ultra to one UI 6 and I really wanna go back. Last time I wrote about the issues in the gallery app, video player in gallery app, and notification panel. After discovering more things about new update is that now I can't play my audio in 2 different Bluetooth speakers at once using media control. I also can't switch back and forth the audio from Bluetooth speaker to my phone speaker and to achieve this I either need to disconnect the speaker or turn off the Bluetooth. This is getting absurd, day by day. These are all my daily activities in life and samsung have completely messed things around and there is no going back. Very poor update from samsung especially at the time of Christmas and season of music. The developers of this  upgrade have arbitrarily made changes without thinking about the users.

1,313 Replies
Galaxy S22
Does anyone else doesn't like the new emoji update or is it just me? I feel like they didn't have to change them they look more cartoonie.
Galaxy S22
Just did the One UI version 6.0 update. Why did I get the ugly emojis from 2017??
Galaxy S22
BRO THE NEW UPDATE IS PAINFULLL. Everything else is fine, good, but the emojis...why did u change them??? They were perfectly fine!! they look weird now, no offense I'm js complaining yk
Galaxy S22
Um don't get mad at me or something pls and thx❤️
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S22
This makes me want to cry. 
As someone with mental disabilities, this was ahuge change visually of alot of things, so that's a smack in the face.

The emoji are either creepy or adorable with no in-between. The angry eyebrows also make me laugh. The little flick toward the nose area kills the anger vibe. The people's eyes look dead inside. With everything changed to look more 3d (which, unnecessary overall. They were already fine), the hugs scare me. Lowkey looks like violence because of how they differentiate between the head and body of the lighter blue figure. Itespecially feels wrong using the smirk because it looks like a child. I'm lucky I switched to Google messages instead of Samsung because I think I wouldactually cry if I had to see these more regularly than in my keyboard, and that's already stressful. I'm dreading seeing social media.

The entire swipe down menu feels over crowded and isn't visually appealing. As someone who has no smart appliances, the device control button is a waste of space on my phone, and it does NOT make me want smart appliances, if that's the logic they tried to use. I can get making the wifi and Bluetooth bigger (I don't love it, but Iget it), but many people don't use smart view or device control and now have those shoved in their face with no option to get rid of it. Personally, if I were to modify this and try to keep some of it (despite preferring the previous design), I would have made the wifi and Bluetooth big, put the brightness immediately under that, and then just left the buttons as is.Might I suggest making those bottom buttons customizable for those of us who do not use them and have no intention to? And also the ability to customize the positions of these bigger buttons? Currently, it's like a whole new home screen, only you have no choice in the visual layout. At least before, it made more sense. It was closer to the app screen in visual aspects. But now? There is no excuse for what exists at the top of my screen.
Iwill say that I like that I can dismiss notifications from the secure folder without unlocking the secure folder. I couldn't do that before and it wasextremely tedious.
I also like that I can customize the brightness from the smaller quick panel and sort notifications by time if I want. I'm not sure what designates "priority" notifications, honestly. Some of it's frustrating when notifications are sorted by time, though. I don't like that if I'm dismissing notifications from, say...email?, and I get rid of one that's more recent than a different app's notification, the emails then move lower on the list.
All of the notifications, even from within the same app, now have space between them, which again, overcrowding the screen. If you want space between notifications, fine, but at least keep the ones from the same app in one bubble. Or, be like Gmail. Offer compact/comfortable/spaced type of notifications. If people want this clear separation, make it an option. Compact, no separation for anything. Comfortable, separate by app. I would do the comfortable, personally.

They changed the standard font, which was luckily easy to fix, but I'm not surewhat is happening with the colors on my phone, other than they're all off from pre-update. 

The toolbar above the keyboard has joined the clunkiness brought on by "bigger is better" (I'm assuming that's half of the motive here, but who knows?) I had to modify the keyboard to attempt to get it close to what it was before. While I can say that it is a bit disorienting, once I got rid of the punctuation showing with the letters, it's easier to type than previously. I will give that allowance, though I still need to adjust to the change.

Some of the text is ridiculously small unless you makeall of your texthuge. I'm lucky that I don't have eye problems because this would drive me insane. 

Regarding widgets, I'm of the opinion that by now, they should have allowed the option to customize the color for each one. Some people like to color code. Others, like myself, prefer uniformity (which i had two UIs ago). If I can choose the color for my groups, I should be able to customize the color of Gmail, email (Yes, I use both), alarms, calendars, Spotify, etc. I'm not saying customize theicons. Because those are logos. I'm saying customize the color of the widgets themselves. You can't tell me it makes more sense to change the appearance ofliterally every emoji than it does to allow theoption to customize widgets. 
It also wouldn't hurt to be able tochoose if we want rounded edges or sharp corners. I'm okay with my groups being rounded, but some of these widgets being rounded is visually unappealing, especially when you can't customize how they look to make them blend better with the background.

For the photo effects, I preferred a slider. It gives more customization. With the dial, you nowhave to be at a specific number. There's no in between. That's just personal preference, though, and I hardly use the effects anyways. 

In gallery, I don't love the info button. It's joining with a lot of my other criticisms: bloating and crowding. It could have gone where the previous remaster button was, instead of the tray. Ido like that you can save clipped images as stickers now, though.
Collaging videos is interesting, and I'm sure it could even prove useful, but it's disappointing that there still isn't the option to create a gif from them. A gif from photos of a video you shot means you need to take a *ton* of photos repeatedly. I don't understand why that hasn't been changed yet.

In photo editor, the turn and flip buttons are now ridiculously small compared to the other options. I think the tools menu is a good idea in theory and not great in implementation. First, it should have been at the very right. As before you swiped through stages, it should have been like that. The same set up as camera is. 
If I'm in the transform, crop needs to be front and center because 9/10 times, that's what I'm doing. Off to the side and saying "free" is a bit confusing. The previous set up was better. 
Lasso should also be within the cropping area. I love that the outline is now around what you lasso, rather than the square as before.
Having the entire tray for sections at the very bottom is a bit unintuitive. I have clicked on "free" multiple times instead of the tools menu. 
The light balance, filters, color mix, spot color, and style should all be in the same place. Object eraser should either be on its own, with transform, or with the stickers/text. 
Text should have the option to customize the color of the outline and/or highlight. Customizing highlight transparency would also be welcome. It's also not helpful that if you hit the back button, all of the options for text drop to where the menu is, so you can't even change category without pressing back again. Not a huge deal, but inconvenient. I'm also not seeing the new styles or backgrounds for text that were supposed to be there.
If you use multiple stickers, it will only display the first of each category, though you can click on the empty space and guess what you're getting. That can happen, or it can just be very slow to load the stickers at all. Drawing on custom stickers is nice, though.
An issue with being able to customize previous stickers and text? If you go to edit again to add more because you reached your 10 text box and/or 10 sticker limit, you're unable to add more. You have to save as a copy and add to the copy. 
It's still ridiculous that a screenshot has more brush options for drawing than editing a photo does.

Video editor has a lot of the same criticisms, so I'm not going to waste time repeating them.

Studio is...okay? But the size of tracks is too small. It's easy to hit the wrong track trying to edit a different one.

InSamsung Health, there isn't much change other than some of the home options having a significant disparity in text sizes, many times without good reason. Uniformity would be a nice option.

Oh, and in calls, the phone and video buttons sharing the middle of the screen is frustrating. I just almost video called someone without being fully dressed. Video can go back to being small on the side, please and thank you. Or give preference. Some people prefer video calls. I'm not one of them.

Overall, largely unimpressed. Majority of this was changed for no reason and makes it significantly more frustrating for those of us with mental handicaps.
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S22
Also with the calls, why do we need a voicemail button when voicemail is speed dial #1, which can't be changed???
Galaxy S22
Change it back to how it was before this update. Emojis suck. Font sucks. Notifications suck. It's looks horrendous. Change it back!! It's so embarrassing owning this phone, don't get me wrong I love it but when you mess with my lettering and customization, it's horrible.
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S22
Yeah I want to know why my icons when they're turned on are black and white and grey. I have a vision issue and so now it makes it very difficult to read them easily or quickly. I always hate when I update a phone and they made it worse. An update should never make it worse1705617812036.jpg1705617812073.jpg
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S22
Samsung, literally, why 😭 😭 😭 it's so **bleep**g ugly now bring back my steering wheel looking dnd, not this messed up donut thats bigger than my clock and ugly af 😭 😭 😭 between these ugly emoji and the ugly dnd, I'm just surrounded by ugly things and miserable.1705630994863.jpg1705630994881.jpg
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S22
Is there a way to roll back 😭😭😭