Original topic:

Feature request: Option to leave Group text

(Topic created: 01-16-2025 12:59 PM)
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S23

Im in this big group text. Soon i won't need ir anymore. I clicked fhe 3 dots and there is no option to leave group text. I googled it and it seems it has to be rcs based, to have that option, but probably isn't. 

So far the only way i know if is to turn off notifications and then delete the group text.
So does anyone know of a way to leave a group text? 
If there isnt, does anyone know if we can suggest this ooption to samsung in a future aoftware update?
5 Replies
Galaxy S23
Too my knowledge there is no way to leave a group text
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S23
Thats why i want to suggest that as a feature to samsung somehow. I did see that if all members are using rcs chat then there is an option, but thats it
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S23

You can leave a group text in Google Messages as long as the creator and the one who wants to leave have RCS enabled.  Samsung messages will not add the feature, as they have removed RCS and are unlikely to reenable it, since the carriers have settled on the Google protocol.  Samsung is now doing very little by way of maintaining the messages app, as they expect and encourage the majority of users to move to Google.

Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S23
Ok so i hope goofle will add a way ro leave if the creator doesn't have rcs enabled
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S23

Since you were right the first time that it's RCS based, it's doubtful. I have one group where everyone had RCS enabled and I can elect to leave and another where the initiator now has RCS, but hadn't had it when the chat started, so I can't leave. The second chat has not been active since Apple enabled RCS, so I don't know if it will change. The first chat started when I was the only one with RCS and couldn't leave before. Now everyone in it has RCS, and I can leave if I choose to. It has been active since the conversion.

In Google messages, though, you can assign that particular chat silent notification, so you are not bothered by constant notifications