Original topic:

Finger print sensor on the back of the phone

(Topic created: 08-01-2023 10:06 AM)
Galaxy S23

I just upgraded from the Galaxy S9 to the Galaxy S23 (I know, I know. It was looong overdue, my phone was real old. Lol). I'm of the mind "if it ain't broke... " with that being said, I really miss the old design! IDK if I'm the only one, but I loved having the finger print sensor on the back of the phone. I love the way you can slide your finger down it to drop the notification menu. Now with the finger print sensor being on the screen I know have to drop down the menu by sliding my finger down the the top of the screen. It's not that big of a deal but I just prefer the sensor on the back. So, Mr/Mrs. Samsung, if you happen to read this, please consider returning that function to us, PLEASE! And thank you. 

12 Replies
Galaxy S23
I got my s23 a out a month ago..I know why did you wait..well I hate getting a phone and not knowing ALL the reviews and not the ones that are all pro samsung...I like the REAL reviews this way I know what phone I'm getting ..I also don't upgrade every year..I upgread usually every other year..my last samsung was a s21 ultra...im glad I didn't get the s22 ultra ..I didn't really hear good reviews about it...this phone however is way different...the longer I took in buying it tge better the reviews..the one thing I'm upset about is that my store didn't have s23 ultra 512gb I settled on the 256gb..I mean it's all good but I love taking pictures..watching YouTube and other movie apps...other than that I'm extremely happy with the choice
But I do agree with you about the fingerprint..I do think it was a mistake putting it on the front soley..I think you should have an option..for front or back...
I'm just waiting for hair DNA testing. Or scanning your retina...lol... give it time...I say by s30 if not sooner
Galaxy S23
I completely agree with everything you said! 😉😊
Community Manager
Community Manager
Galaxy S23

Thank you user8uHe7ewpM5,  for your interest in sharing your idea with Samsung. Welcome to the Samsung Community. We appreciate your feedback and will tag it on the forum so that it will appear with other feedback, ideas, and requests. This will allow your post to be more easily found in the event that Samsung product groups are seeking outside feedback/requests/ideas regarding our products.