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Fingerprint Biometrics problem solved for Galaxy S23 FE

(Topic created: Friday)
Galaxy S23
So I recently purchased a new Galaxy S23 FE because I wanted a phone with more processing power than the standard 4 GB. These days with the new 6.1 OS and Android 14 system 4 GB just doesn't get it done. 

I was skeptical however, as I always am when spending alot on a cell phone, cause there are so many problems and glitches with the industry products reported by consumers. I have to say, I am thoroughly satisfied and happy with my new Galaxy. It has tremendous capabilities and customization options. 

However, after about a week I noticed I was having constant problems with the fingerprint unlock feature, and couldn't access the passwords i had stored on Samsung pass/wallet. I did the usual, researched common problems, looked up troubleshooting articles here on Samsung members, etc. 

Upon thoroughly rummaging through all the information I could find, it suddenly hit me. It hadn't started malfunctioning untiI I registered my right thumb. I'm right handed, so naturally I wanted to make it as easy as possible to unlock everything. Well I have significant callouses and scarring on my right thumb from playing drums and bass for 25 years. I have NO print left on my thumb!

What a dork right? I immediately removed my right thumb and registered my left, and haven't had a single problem since. Point being, if you're having problems with fingerprint Biometrics, check your fingers and thumbs! The sensors are extremely accurate and state of the art, and if the sensor can't sense your print, it's probably because you don't have one! Lol

Hope this helps!
One extremely satisfied Galaxy owner,
1 Reply
Galaxy S23
Great post! Glad you figured it out!