Original topic:

How to turn off 72hr locking policy?

(Topic created: 10-29-2024 07:26 AM)
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S24

I thought I was using a Samsung phone? Lol. Been a user sinf S3. 

I cannot turn this off. I don't have by stud on my S24 plus and So No want this enforced. I just want my fingerprint on. Thanks it. 
How do I disable this. 
I don't my password logged in every 72bhrs. 
I may just have to go by iPhone 16 after soooo many years. 
Galactic Samsung Care Ambassador
Galaxy S24

This has been a feature for years that if the phone restarts you have to enter your pin to unlock it.

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Galaxy S24

You are correct if the phone restarts then  you have to enter your pin or password to unlock it " but this is not like that  Only from last month onwards its started asking " Enter password every  72-hours " repeatedly,   then what is the use of using fingerprint? 

Honored Contributor
Galaxy S24
Every 72 hours has been that way for several years.
Galaxy S24

You are correct if the phone restarts then  you have to enter your pin or password to unlock it " but this is not like that  Only from last month onwards its started asking " Enter password every  72-hours " repeatedly,   then what is the use of using fingerprint? 

Galaxy S24

Do you have your phone set to automatically restart on a schedule such as 3 to 4 times a week? Anytime this phone and my last phone was restarted I had to enter the PIN to unlock the phone since it couldn't be done by fingerprint, it disables that option when rebooting a phone. 

If you don't want to have to enter a password or PIN to unlock your phone when it asks then turn the security features off then you won't need to enter anything to open the phone. If you want fingerprint and face reader on to unlock phone then you need to live with having to use a PIN or password now and then to unlock your phone. There is no other option.

I have my phone scheduled to restart twice a week and I am not bothered by entering a PIN. When I had a screen protector that didn't work with my fingerprint sensor than it was an inconvenience to use a PIN every time to get into the phone. I turned off the security features until I got a screen protector that actually worked with the sensor.

I just don't see it being that big of an inconvenience to do it every few days.

Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S24
It is an issue for me because I should be able to set time say 30 days to enter my PIn. Also, when you pay for the device and costly 1k and it yours then you should be able to turn this feature off. I modify y car all the time. No different. Fingerprint works great so need to have this. It is annoying. Are there other phones which don't have this feature yet? I hate to defer to an iPhone. Been in Samsung Eco system for 20 years. IOS is snow catching up. May be a thought and sync with my family as they are all iPhone users anyways. Thanks
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S24

You can turn the feature off - you can turn off all security measures and then not have to deal with it at all.  Till then, you will have to deal with it, as it's not going to change.  I'm not sure other manufacturers do not have the same restrictions, but if they don't, you are free to buy another brand.  If you don't want to type in a long password, set a short pin.


You may have bought a phone, but you are still restricted to the limitations of said phone (or any device of any kind).  Again, if you want your phone secured, you will have to deal with the security measures.  If they are too inconvenient and annoying for you, turn off all security and take your chances of others accessing your phone.


The reason for the restriction is that people are stupid and they leave their phones unlocked in places or around people they shouldn't and then they get cranky and start blaming the phone manufacturer for their own security lapses. 

Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S24
šŸ™thanks but people who loose phone can opt into this feature. I just want to use my fingerprint and that's it. No need to have this log in feature. But I appreciate it.
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S24
Having Work profile I have to enter 7 characters which is useless. Every 3 days. The face will not work. Have to enter and using a keyboard which is also annoying. Going to upgrade from S24 plus to iPhone 16Pro Max. They don't have to do this and just use face to login even into Work profile. After 20years of Samsung, this sucks.
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S24

You can investigate other Android brands - Motorola, Asus, Blu, etc. But all manufactures are moving to increased security features in these days of increasing cybercrime. Do you really think anyone cares if you change phone brands?  Which phone/brand you buy is a personal choice, and you should buy the phone that meets your needs.  It does not matter that you "paid for the phone". When you buy a device, you buy it as it is at the time you purchase it. Not every manufacturer gives you the level of customization that Samsung does, certainly not Apple. I bet you are one of those people who would complain about lack of security if they didn't have these features. If you are too lazy, or it's too much of a hardship for you to protect yourself, then disable all security and your problem is solved. Do you leave the front door to your home unlocked?