Original topic:

No emergency alerts

(Topic created: 3 weeks ago)
Galaxy S24
Got the s24 ultra in the spring and have noticed that I do not receive any emergency alerts on this phone. Wife's s23 and TV will all go off when theirs alerts but my phone, nothing. All options are enabled in the wireless alert settings.

Any ideas on what could be the issue? 
1 Reply
Galaxy S24
Open up the settings for your location and make sure that Emergency location is turned on and also turn on the Google location accuracy is enabled, the last step is to open your settings for your connections and then go to the settings for wifi calling and you will see a setting That updates Emergency to your Address this is what Your Local Emergency Services uses to help Fire or Ems police to help locate you In a Emergency, by checking this settings you should receive Alerts for Weather events, but if you're still not receiving them Contact your Cellular carrier and explain exactly what you posted so they can double check your device.

I wasn't getting mine for over a year and couldn't figure out why. It had to do with the Wi-Fi calling address.