Original topic:

Official Galaxy S24, S24+ & S24 Ultra, Shipping, and Feedback Thread

(Topic created: 03-07-2024 09:07 AM)
Samsung Care Ambassador
Galaxy S24

Hello. Everyone that has Pre Ordered a Galaxy S24, S24+ or S24 Ultra, you can post any order or tracking updates here.

This thread is for Galaxy S24, S24+ and S24 Ultra pre-orders!

Usually, we try to include the following information:

- Date ordered:

- Where did you order from (samsung.com, carrier, retailer, etc.):

- Unlocked or Carrier variant:

- Model, storage capacity, Color:

- Did you trade-In:

- Estimated delivery date:

Then, once it ships, please come back and post an update with the same information above, but the actual stated shipping and delivery dates, and maybe even let us know once it's received. 



Here is my stuff:

- Date ordered: Jan 17th

- Where did you order from (samsung.com, carrier, retailer, etc.): Samsung.com

- Unlocked or Carrier variant: Unlocked

- Model, storage capacity:512GB Titanium Black

- You can share your trade-in info, if you want: Trading Galaxy S23 ultra

- Estimated delivery date: Jan 31

The link to pre order: Pre Order Galaxy S24 Series 

1,003 Replies
Galaxy S24
Not it is not, it is still to big and not enough features.
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S24

Umm...no. He's more so referring to something along the lines of the Note 20 and Note 10. There were smaller note options. No more now that the note is relegated to the Ultra only model.

But even then the smaller note was always a gimped model and of course Samsung would blame poor sales for ultimately ditching a smaller pen based phone. Well maybe if you didn't gimp it, it would've sold better. But then it'd cut into the larger note sales, and they couldn't have that. So it essentially comes down to not giving a **bleep** about what customers want, but what their bottom line is.

I loved the Note 20, but 128gb and no expandable storage it was a failure from the get go.

Neutron Star
Galaxy S24

Comparing the specs between the s24+ and s24 Ultra reveals the only difference is a 50mp camera, vs a 200 mp one, and a 4900mAh battery vs a 5000mAh one, so not sure how this is really "gimped"  These specs are also better than the listed spec for the iPhone 15 pro as it has a 48mp camera and a 3274 mAh battery.  Yes it is bigger than the fruit device, but that is because they are made by different companies with different research and development.

The ultra name is to set it apart from the others in the same line, not sure why the S24+ or even standard S24 won't work for you, as neither appear to be "Gimped", based on specs...

Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S24
I said Note. The UDid you read my post or just want to blindly justify specs?

The Ultra is the new Note. The Plus and standard are not pen based. They are not a smaller option to the Ultra. Hence the point of me mentioning Note 10 and Note 20 which were "gimped" versions of the 10+ and 20 Ultra.

Please stop lumping the Ultra into the standard galaxy S line. It is a Note, plain and sine. The other two are not. There is no comparison. Samsung just wanted to cut costs and not have two flagship phones when they can produce only one and force non Note users into a note flagship phone.

If you don't care about the pen, that's fine. Just stop making an argument when you don't understand the point of it.
Neutron Star
Galaxy S24

First off, I did not reply to you, but to the Original Poster, why would I need to read your post for that?

Secondly I did address your statement as I have a blurb at the bottom about how they are branded Ultra for a reason.

I am not lumping in the Ultra into the S Series, Samsung is, and it is their device.  The ultra is NOT a note, as if it were, it would be discontinued.

Finally, you seem to think that there is only one flagship in the S24 series line, then ask for a second.  There are actually 3, S24, S24+, and S24 Ultra.  All three are "flagships" and are all made to address the OP's exact concern of a smaller device.  Also an S-pen can be used with any of these devices.  If they were trying to save money, why did they develop the other 2?

Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S24
Blame the notification. It came off as if you replied to me.

And yes, it is a Note. It has a pen. It has squared edges. It is a Note. Don't kid yourself.

So there is no smaller "Ultra". The Plus is a galaxy S. The Ultra is a Note. Once you accept this, the discussion can continue. The entire electronics world has come to accept this. Why are you holding out?

They didn't develop the other two out of nowhere. The S series was always a range. The only model that changed was the flagship one. The flagship S became the Note, plain and simple. The S Ultra didn't become the Note until they discontined the Note line. Then magically the S Ultra got the squared off Note design and the pen built in.

The S range was always there to fit size and price points. The lessers ones never changed their design language. The Ultra did. There was no S Ultra with a pen silo while the Note existed. Other was no S Ultra with squared edges while the Note existed.
Neutron Star
Galaxy S24

I have to come to terms with your assertion, while you give no accommodation to mine? 

Samsung makes the devices, and names them.  If they want to call their devices Purple Flying Banana then "the Entire Electronics World" would have to start calling them that.  They discontinued the NOTE line, and started a similar ULTRA line with the S21. 

Those are the facts; sorry you have difficulty with them.

Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S24
When every tech article at the time of the switch pretty much said the Ultra is the Note in everything but name only... The funny thing is why do you feel. The need to cling to the Ultra being an S phone in anything but name only? It's rather confusing.

You know the saying if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck... Yet you want to still call it a chicken.

And the poster wants a smaller Ultra... Tell me this... Where is the pen on the Plus? Where is the squared geometry on the Plus? Bottom line is that poster can't get a smaller Ultra. It doesn't exist, period. Since the Note name is gone, S Ultra is now synonomous with the s-pen and squared design. Simply put, not smaller Ultra exists. He can get a smaller S, but he can't get a smaller Ultra.
Neutron Star
Galaxy S24

So.... I "cling" to calling it by it's actual name, I am not the hold out here, it is an S24 Ultra, that is how it is listed, that is what it is.  You are the one "clinging" to antiquated terms, as even your first paragraph states "at the time of switching" which was 3 years ago...

It is not how I feel, it is in black and white in the product name.

You are the one calling a chicken a duck here as, like I have stated, I am using the actual product name.

You seem to hold certain features as distinctive Note features, and claim that the OP wants these.  The OP did not mention an s-pen (which Samsung sells for ANY galaxy series phone, BTW), they did not mention boxy corners.  You apparently know what the OP wants, better than the OP does.

Finally, the Ultra name at Samsung is like the Max name at Apple.  It stands for larger devices.  Does the OP want a smaller iPhone 15 pro max?


Black Hole
Galaxy S24
I don't know why you're so insistent on claiming the S-pen is a universally compatible device when it is not. You cannot use an S-pen on a non ultra Galaxy S phone.