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S24 Ultra 7 year updates clarification

(Topic created: yesterday)
Galaxy S24
Hi. I just need clarification on the 7 years of updates. I've had Samsung for years and never paid attention to ANY updates. I just went with the flow. However, ever since I caved and slapped down 1300.00 for a flagship phone, I am now more alert to these updates in the coming years. So with that said, does the 7 year window mean an update a year, an update every few years, what exactly does that mean and what should I expect? I plan on keeping this phone for awhile. Thanks ā¤ļø 
12 Replies
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S24
General terms means plus 7 android version updates i.e if your phone came with android 14 than 21 be last in theory which also includes the monthly updates and any software phone updates which I would say includes ui but that mean will get 7 new versions of ui
Neutron Star
Galaxy S24

Except that this is entirely impossible.  If Google does not release a version of android one year, then Samsung would default on it's promise?  Does not seem likely that one company would promise something that is 100% based on the musings of another company.  7 years of updates means 7 years, not 7 versions.  If Google only releases 5 versions of androind within the 7 year period, then you would only get 5 versions of android.  The phone software will still get updates, like security patches and the like for the full 7 years.

Edit: Based on a few people's translation of this, then I guess we dont want Google to release Android 16 this year, as then we would have to miss out on it, as we got the One UI 7.0 (Android 15) this year, so cannot get another.  Just like any legal jargon, this door swings both ways, folks!

Honored Contributor
Galaxy S24
It states 7 years of updates not guaranteed update each year