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S24 Ultra Camera Quality Feedback

(Topic created: 02-17-2024 06:21 PM)
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S24
As many of us are experiencing these camera issues where the post processing ruins images taken by making them grainy or too saturated. I found temporarily that using the camera in safe mode and airplane mode gave me way better results when using the camera . Hopefully they fix this soon
Turns out my camera issue is a hardware issue. I spoke to representative and there are no updates coming for the camera, only for the screen issues. I will return mine an get a new device. Seems I got a early model that was part of a bad batch. 
Update: got my replacement device today NIGHT AND DAY DIFFERENCE. now this is what the s24 ultra is supposed to be. WOW I can't believe the difference. The screen for sure is way brighter and more colorful and the camera is amazing and no issues with post processing ruining images. If anything it just makes them way better. I can't believe what a difference there is between the devices 
726 Replies
Galaxy S24

Here is what i think is the problem.  AUTO mode is just way to **bleep** sensitive.  If you set the camera up and dont move it it does pretty good, BUT if you start panning with the camera all **bleep** breaks loose.  The camera just go crazy trying to adjust too much stuff causing frame skips, blurs, jaggedness, just making videos look bad.  Now i have always used automatic mode on previous phone which was a note 10+ and that phone didnt do all this.  So i messed around with the pro video mode on the s24 ultra and locked in iso and shutter speed and the camera did much better.  Now i dont want to have to use pro mode to get a good looking video, i want to be able to pull out my phone and hit record and get a pretty decent video like my note 10+ could.  I think they have the auto modes just setup way too sensitive and hopefully they make some updates

Galaxy S24
anyone else experience finicky and very grainy picture quality when on 12 MP and zoomed out? and will this be fixed with the update?
Galaxy S24
Yes I do
Galaxy S24
Use the camera assistant app and disable the option for automatic lens switch (it switches lenses according to light conditions and such. . I believe the next update it's gonna have some fixes also about zoom.. but I most of the time keep it off... depending on the moment I want to capture.. I've been doing that since the s22 ultra
Galaxy S24
I'm very disappointed in Samsung and the S24 ultra. The phone has developed a long list of problems reported by customers. I have a few of my own which I've posted here on this forum. I just noticed another issue this morning. When I use the camera to record a video I noticed the video skipping and jumping while I pan left or right. The focus also goes in and out slightly. It ruins the entire video on play back. How can a flagship phone like this hit the market with so many bugs in it's software? Samsung needs to correct all of these issues ASAP or risk alienating loyal customers. But we hear nothing from Samsung. I'm seriously considering returning my phone and keep my S22 ultra. Maybe even buy an I phone.

Galaxy S24

I'm having the same issue! The camera quality it's really bad compared to my old device. Also the camera has a black tint when you do video call on social media. Plus the display is very dull compared to my old phone. Hopefully an update will solve all these issues but to be quite frankly I'm very disappointed. If there's no update ASAP, I'll return my device.

Galaxy S24
Well, you could always return it and go for an iPhone or be patient and wait for their next bug software release which should be pushed to consumers any day from now.
Galaxy S24
But to reassure customers, Samsung needs to put out a news release on the Samsung Members app explaining why these new phones have so many issues and how and when they will fix them. Because if I have to wait longer than the next 25 days, I'll not be able to return the phone.
Galaxy S24
Where did you buy your phone that you have 30 days to return? I've only heard that you have 15 days to return, especially when you order Samsung. I would definitely double check your sources. I have Verizon I think they are the same policy as 15 days. Good luck thank you for all these posts my s24 is coming on the 21st of February so hopefully have all the bugs fixed. Because I love my s23 ultra so I won't trade it in if I see that the s24 doesn't have significant upgrades for what I'm looking for.
Galaxy S24
Verizon. However, the downside is that they will charge a $50 restocking fee.