Original topic:

S24 Ultra: Feedback after latest Updates

(Topic created: 07-16-2024 02:44 AM)
Galaxy S24

First off I wanna preface this with the disclaimer this is not just a my unit specific issue, there are 1000's of complaints online with the same issues or even more.

This phone has been an absolute disaster since the moment it hit the Market, First of all the display (compared to previous flagship devices) is Abysmal, its dull, washed out, and doesn't get nearly as bright (with the same brightness settings as previous devices) this got a much better with the April update but still not correctly fixed and Samsung's Arrogance and refusal to acknowledge it as an actual problem did not help matters. 

with the April update I would say the phone performed as best as its ever going to but the May update destroyed this phone, since that the phone CONSTANTLY overheats even when typing a whats app message or browsing Twitter (in dark mode) for more than 5 minutes, and this is all the time, the phone gets so hot doing these simple tasks that it reduces performance and dims the screen to an unusable and unviewable condition. I had hopes that the June update would solve this but its actually made it worse along with causing battery drain. Apps are unlikely to be causing it because 90% of them are deep sleeping. 

I did a test where the phone was left completely idle for close to an hour so it was cool, i turned the screen on wrote two messages and sent a picture on whats app, and the phone began overheating and dimmed the screen and i had to leave it alone with the screen off for over 5 minutes for it to cool down enough to hold and use. 

There is a serious overheating issue with this phone that wasn't present in April but is now and ive reported it to Samsung (through Members app) and ive been dismissed yet again (after reporting other issues too) if a customer is saying they have multiple issues with their device perhaps listening to them and actually addressing their concerns is the better step forward rather than ignoring the issue completely. 

There numerous other smaller issues with the phone (which i can over look as they are not as big an issue) but the overheating NEEDs to be addressed.

Having had every single Galaxy S Flagship since the original Galaxy S I have NEVER been so disappointed in a phone from Samsung. I am convinced this can all be fixed if Samsung actually pays attention to what they are doing with their software instead of releasing half baked updates that dont fix issues actually spend time working out said issues that 1000's of customers are reporting and release a stable update to correct these problems. 

Galaxy S24
Exactly. And they say thousands of people are having this issue? OK. That's news to me. I haven't heard of a lot of people having this issue so I wonder where they are getting their statistics. You got to love the comedy in it. And people are saying submit error reports to Samsung. I'd love to know how many people actually did that. I'd be willing to wager few to none. They do things to mess their phone up then want to complain and I guess want pity? I don't know what they want to be honest. Some shouldn't have ever been given a phone in the first place lol šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜‚
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S24

Shame on you -- they are getting their statistics from a Reddit forum. What's wrong with you?

Galaxy S24
Oh ok yes I should bow šŸ™‡ to the holy reddit lol šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜‚ because I'm apparently 12. Some people are geniuses. And they are in the know. That made me choke lol šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜‚ it was great. Reddit forum. Hope you are doing well. Have a great night.
Galaxy S24

I fell for the advertising.

It's a horrible phone for photography. 


As a photographer I can tell you my a54 was way better.


I'm never buyng samsung again.

Galaxy S24


When you look at the S24 Ultra showed in stores next to the Google Pixel Pro 8 or iPhone Pro 15, its screen seems much more dim at maximum brightness (and with the extra brightness option enabled). This is strange given that Samsung claims 2600 nits, much higher than the Pixel or iPhone.

After some research, I noticed that many people were complaining about this back in February/March, and that Samsung had acknowledged the problem and announced that it would be fixed in a software update. The problem seemed to exist mainly with the manual brightness mode and less in auto.

I couldn't find any information after these dates. Do you know if the fix has happened and if the Samsung S24 Ultra finally offers true peak brightness?

Thanks for your help

Red Giant
Galaxy S24
Considering you don't see any recent complaints about screen brightness, wouldn't it be safe to assume it has been corrected with the updates?
Galaxy S24

I just did see recent complaints on this forum actually after posting my message.

3 weeks (https://us.community.samsung.com/t5/Galaxy-S24/S24-Ultra-Feedback-after-latest-Updates/td-p/2933466)  and 2 weeks ago (https://us.community.samsung.com/t5/Galaxy-S24/My-s24u-screen-brightness-changes/td-p/2936136).

I wanted to buy a S24 Ultra but I am really worried by this problem and Samsung does not seem to have the situation under control nor to listen to the feedbacks seriously. I think the recent problem of overheating which causes the brightness to drop in order to cool the phone is a major concern. 

Can anyone tell me if the brightness is finally as good as expected (2600 nits, far better than Pixel Pro 8 and iPhone 15) or if there are really still some major problems with this phone and display ?

Galaxy S24

Do not buy this phone because of the brightness problems which are still on going ā€¦ will most likely be indefinite. Not only that but trying to fix it they messed up even more things in the software which is causing major overheating problems and that will also dim it even moreā€¦.yayyyā€¦. in the top 10 worst mistakes I  ever made giving Samsung a shot again.

i knew I shoulda stayed with iOSā€¦. Fml

Galaxy S24
It has NOT been fixed, so your deductions aren't valid
Galaxy S24

Please dont buy this phone. I bought it and regret it to the max ! When its sun outside i cant see anything , pictures are very very poor in detail . Compared with older huawey phone . I really regret buying Samsung, the screen is și low in brightness is unbeleivable for this price