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S24 Ultra: Feedback after latest Updates

(Topic created: 4 weeks ago)
Galaxy S24

First off I wanna preface this with the disclaimer this is not just a my unit specific issue, there are 1000's of complaints online with the same issues or even more.

This phone has been an absolute disaster since the moment it hit the Market, First of all the display (compared to previous flagship devices) is Abysmal, its dull, washed out, and doesn't get nearly as bright (with the same brightness settings as previous devices) this got a much better with the April update but still not correctly fixed and Samsung's Arrogance and refusal to acknowledge it as an actual problem did not help matters. 

with the April update I would say the phone performed as best as its ever going to but the May update destroyed this phone, since that the phone CONSTANTLY overheats even when typing a whats app message or browsing Twitter (in dark mode) for more than 5 minutes, and this is all the time, the phone gets so hot doing these simple tasks that it reduces performance and dims the screen to an unusable and unviewable condition. I had hopes that the June update would solve this but its actually made it worse along with causing battery drain. Apps are unlikely to be causing it because 90% of them are deep sleeping. 

I did a test where the phone was left completely idle for close to an hour so it was cool, i turned the screen on wrote two messages and sent a picture on whats app, and the phone began overheating and dimmed the screen and i had to leave it alone with the screen off for over 5 minutes for it to cool down enough to hold and use. 

There is a serious overheating issue with this phone that wasn't present in April but is now and ive reported it to Samsung (through Members app) and ive been dismissed yet again (after reporting other issues too) if a customer is saying they have multiple issues with their device perhaps listening to them and actually addressing their concerns is the better step forward rather than ignoring the issue completely. 

There numerous other smaller issues with the phone (which i can over look as they are not as big an issue) but the overheating NEEDs to be addressed.

Having had every single Galaxy S Flagship since the original Galaxy S I have NEVER been so disappointed in a phone from Samsung. I am convinced this can all be fixed if Samsung actually pays attention to what they are doing with their software instead of releasing half baked updates that dont fix issues actually spend time working out said issues that 1000's of customers are reporting and release a stable update to correct these problems. 

32 Replies
Galaxy S24

Garbage outdoors. How my s22 ultra on exynos is better than my s24 ultra, I'll never know. I kept my s22 ultra to controly solar network independently. I'm thinking of putting my SIM back in the s22ultra and selling the S 24 ultra. Garbage Samsung.  Sort it out

Galaxy S24
Mine still don't work
Galaxy S24

I confirm the brightnes problem.Display starts dimming at 36degreas..Bad,bad s24U at this money.Regreat changing my s23U to this .Almoust 3000e in 2 samsungis phones and don't expect this sh....t.šŸ˜­šŸ˜­Samsung doo something!!!