Original topic:

S24 Ultra camera issues (white balance off and over exposed pictures)

(Topic created: 02-14-2024 05:12 PM)
Galaxy S24

Hey All,

Like many others I have been having issues with the camera system on my s24 ultra. It appears to take significantly worse photos than my s21 ultra in a lot of scenarios. I primarily use Pro mode JPEGS with auto setting. I think part of the issue is the auto white balance is off, so photos appear yellow and the auto exposure is off so pictures appear over exposed and less detailed. Here are some comparison shots I took for reference.

s21 Ultra

s21 eba.jpg

S24 Ultras24 eba.jpg

S21 Ultras21 sword.jpg

S24 Ultras24 sword.jpg

S21 UltraS21 tank.jpg

S24 Ultras24 tank.jpg

I can adjust white balance and exposure manually to get better pictures, but I miss picture opportunities more often with the s24 ultra because because it takes time to fiddle with the settings. I have also tried changing all of the settings in the camera app and in the camera assistant app as well as turning off super HDR in the gallery app, but I find the camera under performs regardless of the settings.

I've also experienced the issue where post processing ruins what would otherwise be good photos. This does not happen in Pro mode with JPEGS or in Photo mode with 12mp, but happens in every other mode I've tested. Here is a comparison using expert raw mode with RAW files.

After the post processing

raw before.jpg

Same exact photo before the post processingraw after.jpg

I have contacted support, done all of the troubleshooting steps, allowed support to remotely control my phone and done a factory reset, but these problems persist. I was then recommended to go an authorized repair center. The repair center ran diagnostics on the phone and found no faults. I contacted Samsung again and they said there was an update coming in February that should fix these issues and if the phone is not repairable they can replace it. I am skeptical about these issues being fixed with a software update, because no reviewers mentioned these issues and I don't think they occurred on the s23 ultra which has very similar hardware.

39 Replies
Galaxy S24
Apparently you didn't Google it or search on this board for an answer before you made your post did you? Supposedly, nothing has been confirmed by samsung, many leakers have said that Samsung is going to be adding a vividness slider into the display settings to make the display more like the s23 ultra and the s22 ultra. Who knows if that's true?
Galaxy S24

I've done a lot of googling and I've read all the samsung board posts and reddit posts on the issue that I could find. Samsung chat support told me they spoke to the developers and there was an update coming this month that would address these issues. I don't necessarily trust that this is true though.

Galaxy S24
Keep up if you're gonna comment.
Galaxy S24
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S24
Galaxy S24
Thank you for posting all this detailed information. I'll be receiving my S24 Ultra on Mon. Please keep us informed if these problems continue after the update. Are you past your return window? If not, maybe you should return it and get a new one. That's what I would do; I'm not going to get a new phone repaired.
Galaxy S24

I think today is the last day of my return window, but I really don't want to deal with the return process. I would also lose all of my preorder bonuses, so I would either have to spend more or get less storage. 

Galaxy S24
If you call and insist on speaking to a Supervisor, they will do a price match. You will have to purchase a new device with your preorder bonuses, and then when you receive your device, and they have received the defective device. They will reimburse the difference.
I had to do this last year because my Spen wasn't working properly.
Just make sure you have the Supervisor send you an email. Stating she will price match.
I've also spoken to a supervisor this time because as I said I am receiving my s24 ultra on monday. And hearing all the problems with the camera I have asked the exact same questions that I've given you answers to. I understand the return process is a hassle. However with as much money as we are paying for this phone we should have a device that we can enjoy for many years to come without any problems. I personally always go to the supervisor and I make sure that I'm heard. Good luck if you decide to do this
Galaxy S24
Thank you, this is useful advice.