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S24 Ultra camera issues (white balance off and over exposed pictures)

(Topic created: 02-27-2024 04:44 PM)
Galaxy S24

Hey All,

Like many others I have been having issues with the camera system on my s24 ultra. It appears to take significantly worse photos than my s21 ultra in a lot of scenarios. I primarily use Pro mode JPEGS with auto setting. I think part of the issue is the auto white balance is off, so photos appear yellow and the auto exposure is off so pictures appear over exposed and less detailed. Here are some comparison shots I took for reference.

s21 Ultra

s21 eba.jpg

S24 Ultras24 eba.jpg

S21 Ultras21 sword.jpg

S24 Ultras24 sword.jpg

S21 UltraS21 tank.jpg

S24 Ultras24 tank.jpg

I can adjust white balance and exposure manually to get better pictures, but I miss picture opportunities more often with the s24 ultra because because it takes time to fiddle with the settings. I have also tried changing all of the settings in the camera app and in the camera assistant app as well as turning off super HDR in the gallery app, but I find the camera under performs regardless of the settings.

I've also experienced the issue where post processing ruins what would otherwise be good photos. This does not happen in Pro mode with JPEGS or in Photo mode with 12mp, but happens in every other mode I've tested. Here is a comparison using expert raw mode with RAW files.

After the post processing

raw before.jpg

Same exact photo before the post processingraw after.jpg

I have contacted support, done all of the troubleshooting steps, allowed support to remotely control my phone and done a factory reset, but these problems persist. I was then recommended to go an authorized repair center. The repair center ran diagnostics on the phone and found no faults. I contacted Samsung again and they said there was an update coming in February that should fix these issues and if the phone is not repairable they can replace it. I am skeptical about these issues being fixed with a software update, because no reviewers mentioned these issues and I don't think they occurred on the s23 ultra which has very similar hardware.

Galaxy S24
On my new s24 ultra there is no Camera Assistant setting while in camera mode Settings. Can someone help please. Tx!
Galaxy S24

I usually don't comment but it's true what you are saying.
The S24 series has white balance issues.
A youtuber techmo has pointed out that s24 series has white balance issues 
Also a small danish streamer has white balance issues on his Samsung s24 ultra.

For your information i'm using a samsung s21 ultra myself and i'm considering other brands as my next phone.




Galaxy S24

I have the same problem I have so much regret that I change my S22 ultra for the S24 ultra Hi, Samsung, because they have the best photo ever. But with that to that device , I just really don't understand why I got the wost photo ever...


I take a beautiful photo with a perfect light in the photo was perfect on the gallery , but when the air something just add just the picture and is get worst very worst. 

I'm a big customer of Samsung. I got the all the s device I start with the S4 ...

Am I got every device of this I just jumped the s twenty three because I donid1878 t find too much difference between the s23 & the 22 ... 


Whatever I regret my buy if I can I just want to return off my S22 Ultra. The picture was really, really. Really really really better

I hope somebody on samsung read this 

Galaxy S24

Hi, maybe Maybe samsung can just let us the choice if we want to Keep the original photo or keep the new one with the AI just Destroy it.


It's funny because I take my picture I see it it was beautiful I'm like wow amazing pic. I'm a few seconds afthe device. Just changed it for the worst picture seen

Galaxy S24

The biggest problem is Samsung's auto retouch feature that happens right after you take the shot. Turning off all of the options does not do anything to prevent this. It happens automatically in the default gallery app.

They need to give us an option to disable any ai/auto generating post processing after the photo is taken. It genuinely ruins the photos. 

Please Samsung. Fix the camera!! I'm on the Samsung Galaxy S24 Plus.

Galaxy S24

Same issue I am also facing. The picture quality is very poor. I am very disappointed with the Samsung camera. Also, the phone gets heated if I use the camera for 5 minutes. What should I do? It's been only 22 days, but I am not satisfied at all.

Galaxy S24

Can we replace the product and get a good product?

Galaxy S24

Similar problem exists here. I have received the update but nothing is resolved . 50 and 200 megapixel cameras have problems. Destroys photos after processing...

Comparison of a cropped scene between the s23 ultra camera and the s24 ultra camera (pay attention to the middle of the image, details are lost on the s24). This happens after processing in 50 and 200 megapixels. In 12 megapixel mode there is no problem and almost everything is fine



Galaxy S24

I bought the Samsung S24 Ultra 22 days ago, and I am facing camera issues. The pictures are blurry, not good, and the white balancing is improper. After processing, the image quality gets worse than before. The quality is not as expected, and it continuously disappoints me in terms of the camera. Also, after using the camera for 5 minutes, the mobile gets heated, and I need to keep it away. I think it is not working as expected and needs an update or fix for these issues. Also, how can I get a replacement with a good product?

Galaxy S24

Join the club. I am absolutely baffled and disappointed at the below par camera quality in comparison to my S23 Ultra. I have tried everything and the issue persists.