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S24 Ultra camera issues (white balance off and over exposed pictures)

(Topic created: 04-16-2024 01:21 AM)
Galaxy S24

Hey All,

Like many others I have been having issues with the camera system on my s24 ultra. It appears to take significantly worse photos than my s21 ultra in a lot of scenarios. I primarily use Pro mode JPEGS with auto setting. I think part of the issue is the auto white balance is off, so photos appear yellow and the auto exposure is off so pictures appear over exposed and less detailed. Here are some comparison shots I took for reference.

s21 Ultra

s21 eba.jpg

S24 Ultras24 eba.jpg

S21 Ultras21 sword.jpg

S24 Ultras24 sword.jpg

S21 UltraS21 tank.jpg

S24 Ultras24 tank.jpg

I can adjust white balance and exposure manually to get better pictures, but I miss picture opportunities more often with the s24 ultra because because it takes time to fiddle with the settings. I have also tried changing all of the settings in the camera app and in the camera assistant app as well as turning off super HDR in the gallery app, but I find the camera under performs regardless of the settings.

I've also experienced the issue where post processing ruins what would otherwise be good photos. This does not happen in Pro mode with JPEGS or in Photo mode with 12mp, but happens in every other mode I've tested. Here is a comparison using expert raw mode with RAW files.

After the post processing

raw before.jpg

Same exact photo before the post processingraw after.jpg

I have contacted support, done all of the troubleshooting steps, allowed support to remotely control my phone and done a factory reset, but these problems persist. I was then recommended to go an authorized repair center. The repair center ran diagnostics on the phone and found no faults. I contacted Samsung again and they said there was an update coming in February that should fix these issues and if the phone is not repairable they can replace it. I am skeptical about these issues being fixed with a software update, because no reviewers mentioned these issues and I don't think they occurred on the s23 ultra which has very similar hardware.

39 Replies
Galaxy S24

I'm glad I found this thread, because since I received the S24 Ultra I've been constantly infuriated with the camera array.


If I shoot a picture of my cat under indoor light, the image post processes automatically - despite being set to minimal - and then it turns the scene to a really warm Kelvin, making it ugly. Then there's the iffy focus. The AI touch ups added that butcher fine detail. It's a complete disaster 80% of the time.


I had an S10 5G for nearly 5 years because it was so good, so I went into this upgrade fully expecting to be wowed by these newer cameras, but it many ways, it's entirely worse.

I'm banking on software updates fixing the issue, or I won't be buying a Galaxy again. 

Galaxy S24

Post-processing is done to remove noise....
But it makes the final image very blurry. It does not work well and destroys the details of the photo

I noticed that no post-processing happens when the camera flash is on

I will put a comparison in 10x mode with 200MP. (From 3 meters away)

LEFT: The flash is on and no post-processing :

RIGHT: The flash is off With post-processing:


Galaxy S24

I have same kind of problems, I decided to upgrade from Note9 to S24 Ultra, now I am starting to think it was downgrade when it comes to photos. Photos are quite dark and skintone is too yellow especially with indoor lights. There is definetly exposure and white balance problems with this phone, I can't return phone anymore, I hope Samsung is doing something to fix these problems.

Galaxy S24

Same issue here. It's so sad to see a great shot for a split second, only to watch it gone in an instant. šŸ˜¢

Galaxy S24

Same! I hate it. I take the photo and it looks great then in a second it looks washed out and way too bright. We need an option to keep the before or after processing photo or something. This is just crazy how bad it looks after, especially when the before looks amazing!

Galaxy S24

It's ridiculous,  spent 1300 euro on this phone, coming from S21 ultra as a trade in and I'm full of regret. 

Camera results are brutal. 


Show me good results of any moving subject such as kids or animals with a fast shutter speed. Only the 12mp can do it and it can't do it well. 200mp is useless on this phone due to the Samsung **bleep**ty algorithms running after you press the shutter. 

Come on like, ffs just release a finished product instead of this half assed camera that is wrapped up in bad processing features. Where is your QA, UAT or photography test results? 


Even in the actual reviews on the Web they talk about it being a great camera and you can even see the flaws in the results on their actual reviews. 


Enough of the silence from Samsung, all of us depending on "leaked" info that a patch is coming. 


I'm waiting to hear back on returning my S24 ultra phone so I can switch if possible to a competitor,  I don't want to but at this stage I'm so frustrated with the camera, an alternative is what needs to be thought about. 

Galaxy S24

Reaaaaally disappointed with this camera on anything other than 12MP and even that has color saturation issues, overcorrection by AI, lousy focusing behavior... I just want to know why it is, at its basic form, a whole lot worse than the S23 Ultra. It's been 3 months, I want my 23 back... this applies to the Watch 6 Classic, also, it's worse than the Watch 5 in nearly all respects.

Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S24

Try adjusting ISO. I have found that the Automatic ISO setting of S24 Ultra is often not ideal. For example recording at concerts, I always have to set ISO manually for performers on stage to have any facial detail.

To set ISO:

1. Open Android camera app.

2. Tap 'MORE'

3. Tap PRO (for Camera) or PRO VIDEO (for video)

4. In the slider with adjustable settings, find ISO.

5. Toggle from Auto to Manual by tapping AUTO. Adjust ISO by scrolling the widget.

Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S24

Over Exposing is problem of actual top-tier Galaxy phones. It's bad processing and algorithms. HDR doesn't work and over-processing ruin shots