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SOLVED: Updates Consistantly Default My Theme Park Settings!

(Topic created: 02-14-2025 09:38 AM)
Galaxy S24
Over various days, I invested hours getting my Theme Park settings, just so. But then Samsung comes along and negates that hard work! My Notifactions and Keyboard remained true, and I thought it was cuz they had their ownapps - NotiStar & KeysCafe. But then why did my Icons default, too? Getting all the colors of my Theme to just work together so I didn't have Bright Red text appearing over a Dark Blue "Secondary," or not to have my "Primary" colors clashing those "On Background," took meticulous work! Why can't Samsung figure this **** out?!

- Go back to Theme Park
- Select your chosen theme
-Click edit to just enter it, and all your original changes will have been saved. But you can't simply reapply, though. 
- You have to hit Download
- Change the name
- Then hit Overwrite. 
- After all that, choose the Theme you just renamed and apply THAT! 
- But further still, you'll have to reapply your Icon Pack, too. 

What a hassle, man. Just figure this out already! It's been YEARS!
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