Original topic:

Samsung Messages App Not Working

(Topic created: 03-31-2024 03:11 PM)
Galaxy S24
My wife and I just upgraded yesterday from the Iphone 14 Pro. Her Samsung Messages App isn't receiving messages from me unless she messages first and then it works temporarily. Then after sometime it goes back to her not receiving my messages. It doesn't show delivered on my end either when I send them. We've tried everything and can't find a solution. Anyone know a fix? Thanks. 
37 Replies
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S24
if you'd like, clear cache and data in the app, force stop, then start again. alternatively, switch to Google Messages, since that's now the default messaging service for Samsung.
Galaxy S24
Oh okay. We've tried that and it didn't work. As for the Google Messages App we aren't the biggest fans of it. We prefer the Samsung one.
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S24
I'd prefer the Samsung one, too. however, in every meaningful way, Samsung is deprecating its Messages app. it just is. I've grown comfortable with the Google version. it has lousy category support, but I lost all of my categories on the Samsung app, so that's moot for me.
Galaxy S24
Dang. I didn't know that.
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S24
I just have to jump in here and ask what do you mean by category support in Google messages. I have no problem I don't have categories per se but there is color coding that I use for categories. It's it's just that the color selection is in a different area of the screen than it is in Samsung messages.
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S24
in Samsung Messages, you can group individual message threads into categories that you establish...work, family, whatever. I had messages grouped into seven different categories. it was great.
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S24
Sorry, I was actually thinking of the calendar and Its color coding scheme. I swear Google messages also used to group messages into business or petsonal, but I dont remember if there was ever an option to create others. It never really concerned me because I prefer to keep my messages in a single list, but I also dont get a lot of texts. I do appreciate Google messages spam blocking, though.
Galaxy S24

I've been using Samsung Messages since my S7. How painful would it be to change to Google Messages? Would I lose any of my saved messages? Don't want to steal the thread, so if I need to move my question please let me know.

Galaxy S24 Ultra, Active4
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S24
I have never used anything other than Google Messages, but I believe all your messages will remain. You can download Google Messages, if it's not already on your phone, switch it to the default temporarily and see how you like it. If you don't like it, you can switch back. If you are worried something will go awry and your messages will disappear, there's an app called SMS backup and restore and you can back up your messages first.

I have on occasion switched to Samsung Messages in order to help someone else, and not only were all my messages in the Samsung app, they were still in Google.

So, my opinion is that it would not be painful at all. There are some settings you may have to tweak, but you'll have to cycle through them to see what suits you.