Original topic:

Samsung video player app

(Topic created: 3 hours ago)
Galaxy S24
Here's a tip you have nothing but complaints about changing around for years. How we ran our videos and how we edit them? I have no idea how to edit my g****** video. Now that shower, move the video app separately, and told us older video was a part of gallery and a part of files. We aint ask you that I don't give a d*** How much space it was taken up? Put it the f*** back.I have no idea what the f*** i'm doing.That videos are not playing in the albums like I need them to play.They're playing like their own shuffleHere's a tip you have nothing but complaints about changing around for years. How we ran our videos and how we edit them? I have no idea how to edit my g****** video. Now that shower, move the video app separately, and told us older video was a part of gallery and a part of files. We aint ask you that I don't give a d*** How much space it was taken up? Put it the f*** back. I have no idea what the f*** I'm doing. That videos are not playing in the albums like I need them to play. They're playing like their own shuffle. I have albums for videos for certain reason. Business and personal. You're telling us the same s***, but we're all complaining about the same s***, if it's taking up too much space as you say, take some s*** out that we don't actually f***** use that y'all put on your phones thinking that we need it. If that's the case, give everybody a g****** terabyte, and you won't have this g****** problem. Put the video app back separately. Why the f*** would you change that? We have no idea what we're doing in another thing for customer service. What we call customer service for Samsung in America? We want American. It's on our phone if an Indian person in India calls customer service. Give them the Indians. If a korean person calls samsung customer service, give them a Korean. Plain and simple **bleep** 🤦‍:male_sign:! I
1 Reply
Legendary Samsung Care Ambassador
Galaxy S24

@FedUpAmerican If you want to edit a video you have choices. 

  1. You can click on the video and then click the pencil icon. This provides some very basic editing tools. 
  2. If you need more capability, open Samsung's Studio app and use that.
  3. There are many 3rd party video editing tools available.