Original topic:

Screen Off Different Results - S10 Android 12 and S24 Android 14

(Topic created: 3 weeks ago)
Galaxy S24

Five years ago when I bought a Galaxy S10, I wanted a method of quickly and easily shutting off the screen, sometimes locking it at the same time and sometimes leaving it unlocked. I was able to accomplish that as follows:

I did not turn on Lock instantly with Power key.
A double tap on the screen turned the screen off but did not lock the screen.
I activated the Accessibility menu, and the Screen off button turned the screen off and also locked it.

This week I upgraded my phone to a Galaxy S24. The Smart Switch app did a fantastic job of almost exactly duplicating everything from the old phone on the new one. However, the procedure described above no longer works the same way. If I do not turn on Lock instantly with Side button (new words), both a double tap on the screen and the Screen off Accessibility button turn off the screen but do not lock it. If I do turn on Lock instantly with Side button, both a double tap on the screen and the Screen off Accessibility button turn off the screen and lock it. These two actions used to have different results, which was my goal. Now they have the same result. It seems that a double tap should not lock the screen.

Any advice on how to get my S10 functionality back?

1 Reply
Galaxy S24

I see there have been 118 views of my post and no suggestions for a solution, so maybe there isn't one. Here is an idea that might be promising. A simple Bixby routine to toggle on the Lock instantly with Side button option and another routine to toggle it off. Then I can tap the routine before double tapping the screen to get the desired result. Any experts out there who know how to write such a routine?