Original topic:

Voice to Text simple grammar correction

(Topic created: 02-15-2025 09:54 PM)
Galaxy S24
In this day and age with the sophistication of the smartphones we have, why is the voice to text functionality on my s24 ultra lacking basic expected functionality, especially with all the enhancements in AI? 

Like grammar correction. I can voice dictate something that should easily be automatically corrected or not have the wrong words interpreted If it doesn't even make sense grammatically or logically. 

Another thing, my son's name is spelled Jaxon and I have to correct the spelling on his name every single time I say it.. I would expect my phone to register when I make a correction to something I dictate and every time I say that word after that, it would know the correct spelling of it. 

Utilize AI and make this better! You already utilize AI for photography, now we need to revolutionize the voice to text capabilities because typing is so obsolete!
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