Original topic:

Auto restart/memo not working S25 Ultra

(Topic created: Tuesday)
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S25

I scheduled for an auto restart 9 for sundays at 3 am. It has a memo that a restart happened 9 days ago. I manually restarted the device and the memo never changed. I set the schedule for the current day and time by 1 minute and it did not auto restart. 

Guess the auto restart no working on s25u nor is the memo being updated if it did.
2 Replies
Galaxy S25
It is working correctly on 2 S25 Ultra units I have and the value is updating. I have mine set to the same value you do.

Are the following true for you?

Your phone will only restart when:
The screen is off.
The phone isn't being used.
The battery is above 30%.
SIM card lock is off.
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S25

Aside from the conditions that PianoManJay mentioned, I would add that I have found that if the phone has not been idle for at least a half hour before the scheduled time, it will not auto restart. Also, there seems to be a bit of a grace period based on the idle time, so if you use the phone within a short time alter the set time, it will not restart if the schedule was delayed but will restart within a half hour of the scheduled time if the phone remains idle. It's not always possible to have the phone idle at the scheduled time, so you can always set a secondary time/day to restart. Manual restarts will perform an optimuzation, but will not change the auto restart message, as that will only tell you when the phone automatically restarted.