Original topic:

Official Galaxy S25, S25+ & S25 Ultra, Shipping, and Feedback Thread

(Topic created: Tuesday)
Samsung Care Ambassador
Galaxy S25

Hello. Everyone that has Pre Ordered a Galaxy S25, S25+ or S25 Ultra, you can post any order or tracking updates here.

This thread is for Galaxy S25, S25+ and S25 Ultra pre-orders!

Usually, we try to include the following information:

- Date ordered:

- Where did you order from (samsung.com, carrier, retailer, etc.):

- Unlocked or Carrier variant:

- Model, storage capacity, Color:

- Did you trade-In:

- Estimated delivery date:

Then, once it ships, please come back and post an update with the same information above, but the actual stated shipping and delivery dates, and maybe even let us know once it's received. 



Here is my stuff:

- Date ordered: Jan 22

- Where did you order from (samsung.com, carrier, retailer, etc.): Samsung.com

- Unlocked or Carrier variant: Unlocked

- Model, storage capacity: 512GB Jet Black

- You can share your trade-in info, if you want: Trading Galaxy S24 ultra

- Estimated delivery date: Feb 7

The link to pre order: Pre-Order Galaxy S25 Ultra 512GB | JetBlack (Unlocked) | Samsung US

680 Replies
Galaxy S25
Ok! Thank You
Samsung Care Ambassador
Galaxy S25
Ultra. Go all in or dont go in at all lol 😂
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S25

Do you get a commission on S25 ultra sales?  People need to buy what they need and can afford.

Galaxy S25
Help me regain access to my Google account
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S25

This is the wrong place to post an unrelated help request.  No one will see it, except by accident.  In any case, the only way you can regain access to your Google account is to contact Google.

Galaxy S25

Hello, I recently switched to an S25 after my previous phone stopped working well. I’ve enjoyed using it, but I noticed a few areas that could be improved. I’d like to share some thoughts, hoping they might be helpful if by some miracle the right person reads this.


1. I liked having multiple user profiles on my old phone, a feature from stock Android fairly sure. It’s not here, which surprised me somewhat. I found a workaround with the secure folder, but it only supports one extra setup. Adding more profiles or folders would be useful.


2. There’s no app to translate text directly, only one for voice. The phone can already translate in other places, like the keyboard, so a simple text translation app for text rather than voice conversations would be nice. I like that this feature runs locally on device.


3. The clock widget could use more style options, like the lockscreen clock has.


4. Folder backrounds should be blurred, looks somewhat out of place as it is currently in my opinion.


5. I like the color theming for app icons, but it would be great if it could tint apps that don't have support for it.


6. The keyboard corrects words sometimes when I don’t want it to, I couldn't find setting to add custom dictionary words without typing it repeatedly until it learns it.


7. More local AI features might be neat like image generation or smaller language models, however the 12GBs of RAM would be really limiting in this regard. Maybe S26 could have 16GBs? That would make it more than viable


8. The notes app works well but could use a UI refresh perhaps?


9. Using one-handed mode with gesture controls instead of 3 buttons is tricky to enable.


10. I miss being able to select text from images on apps easily, all I had to do is just going to task switcher and selecting it like anything else. Currently, that just brings up a menu for making floating windows etc. Would be nice to have both somehow. Only way to do this currently is to take screenshot and open it in gallery, or use Google Lens which searches when I just want to select text really and feels a bit janky.


Overall, I’ve been pleased with the phone. Last time I had a Samsung phone was ages ago and it felt bloated and slowed down by the software, but that seems to be resolved by brute force or just software improvements not sure.

Black Hole
Galaxy S25
Highlighting text gives a translate option in the contextual pop up menu. You also can just use circle to search to translate a page.
Galaxy S25
Push notification icons on the always on display are too small. They're also now positioned at the top left. They are way too hard to see now. Please give users the option to move them back to the center of the screen and make them bigger!

The same goes with the battery percentage. The number is now inside the battery icon. It is very difficult to see. Let the user change the way this looks by putting the number outside of the pill icon. 


Another stupid change is having to swipe down twice to see the media player. Previously, you would have to swipe down only once to control songs. Now, you have to swipe down twice. This is incredibly annoying. 


The app switcher or task changer now looks like Apple's. It's much slower when apps overlap each other. It was so much better with OneUI 6 when apps were separated as full windows. Also, if you press the app switcher to cancel that function, it still switches you to the previous screen.


Lastly, this is probably an Android thing but the lack of notifications was horrible. Not getting Gmail or Yahoo emails was a deal breaker. Android has an aggressive power-saving feature called doze that subdued apps from functioning in the background. I would not get emails until I turned my screen on; only then with all my notifications show up. 
I returned the S25 Ultra because the 24 Ultra was so much better in terms of appearance and functionality. Samsung needs to realize that making changes just for the sake of being different is not a good thing. 
Black Hole
Galaxy S25
The media player has been changed in the flip6 oneui7 beta so that it appears in both notifications and in control panel, so that will probably appear in a future update. I agree on the lockscreen, I think its a regression.
Neutron Star
Galaxy S25

Noice!  Hope you like it!  Which one did you get?  Base S25, S25+, or S25 Ultra?  I got the ultra, and am quite happy with it!