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Navigation in Contacts App

(Topic created: yesterday)
Galaxy S25
The contacts app looks just like the contacts app on my old LG phone, except for how easily I can navigate through the alphabetical list. There are headers starting with A, B, Etc., and in the LG app I could touch on any letter dividing two sections of names, and instantly the screen would fill up with A through Z in descending vertical order woth A at the top. To navigate all I had to do was touch on the letter of the section I wanted to go to, and instantly it would take me to the names beginning with that letter. It's so easy and intuitive to do. 

The navigation provided in the Samsung Contacts app is not easy to use, because you have to swipe your finger up and down on the right side edge of the screen, and then scroll to the letter that is desired. It requires a lot of attention and eye hand control. The feature I am requesting would not be difficult to add to the app, so please please consider including this feature in an update.
3 Replies
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S25
Wouldn't you have to scroll either method
Galaxy S25
No, the only scrolling with the other method is within that particular letter of the alphabet. Most people don't have hundreds of names in any given letter, so the scrolling is minimal at that point
Galaxy S25

Actually one does not have to swipe up and down to scroll to the assigned alphabet in the contacts list. Open the contacts app and a slight scroll movement will make that slide bar on the right will show. Then all one has to do is touch a part of that slide bar and it will snap to that part of the contacts list. Now I get there are no visible alphabets (until that area is touched, then that particular alphabet will show) and the area to touch is small, but one can easily guess that a certain number of dots will equal the numerical listing of the dot counts (like in 26 alphabets in English + one for numbers as names like 411, etc) matches the alphabet.


The area to touch needs to be enlarged and even offer a setting to allow visible alphabet/number steps of direct touching to get to the needed sections of the contacts list. In the end, the method I explained uses the same number of steps to perform. Also, the AI voice command can open a particular contact or even call it without opening the contacts app through a physical touch.