Original topic:

Noticing a lot of audio issues with S25 Ultra!!

(Topic created: 02-19-2025 06:56 PM)
Galaxy S25

I have been noticing a whole lot of audio issues with the s25 ultra. Namely after doing the February update, but I've only owned the phone for 8 days. It is brand spanking new, and yes I am pretty tech savvy. Just a disclaimer before I'm told to do basic or even advanced troubleshooting. I am well versed in the S- series and android in general, it's all I've ever owned. But I have noticed popping in the speakers in various applications such as capcut, Spotify, watching videos off Google (when rotating phone), going to Bing and the volume being very low even though my phone is at full volume. Even audio popping during diagnostics. 

I have til the 26th to make a decision to exchange it for a new one and pay $50 restock fee or after that file a warranty claim or use my insurance and pay a $275 deductible. This audio issue is happening even when I pair my galaxy buds 3 pro to my phone. This points toward a software issue, but for over $1300 dollars I wanna be sure. 
I just went through pure **bleep** when I switched providers for one day only to find out that the provider I'm with is holding my galaxy watch ultra captive. They claim they don't lock smartwatches but on their website in my account it says unlock eligible because I payed it off. I submitted the iemi and they approved the unlock or so the email they sent me claimed, but when I gave the iemi # to the new provider their system kept rejecting it. I know it's compatible with their network too because they sell the same watch there and the salesperson was wearing the same orange band watch as me, same model and everything. 
Anyway I go back to the provider I've been with for years which shall remain nameless, because this forum isn't for trashing providers. I am just stating facts. Anyway, I look at their website after getting the s25 ultra and now owning the watch ultra and it's still locked. On top of that they wouldn't let me retain my phone number I've had for years and I didn't have a chance to disable 2FA before they cut my service because when I switched to the other provider they were able to port my phone number over to their network but not the watch. 
So, I've been trying to regain access to all of my accounts credit cards, emails, memberships etc. And 2FA is meant to not be circumvented, so it's been a nightmare. I'm still locked out of important accounts and awaiting resolutions. So, here I am now experiencing audio issues with this new phone. Plus some other issues, ie- battery, clipboard, pairing, so on. I need some feedback from everyone and anyone that may be experiencing any issues with the s25 ultra I've mentioned. 
I dread the thought of exchanging it for a new one and the money isn't even the main reason. As I've droned on about I don't wanna have to set up another phone even with smart switch (cabled) ofc😒. But just the thought of signing back into all of my accounts even with the same number where 2FA won't be an issue, but I still dread it after what I just went through. 
I kindly ask anyone who has read this long TMI post to please give me any helpful feedback to help me make an informed decision as to whether or not I should jump the gun and exchange it or wait for a fix (if indeed it's software related). Has anyone else been experiencing these types of issues? Online research of my own has led me to forums that people have been reporting audio issues. I know Capcut and Spotify can have these pops in the speaker. But my s23 ultra did not have an issue with it. But, this new s25 is loaded with so many new Ai features and settings it's unreal. All I can say is "calling all droid users please help me out here" Thank you in advanced to any and all non-trolls that may answer with helpful insight.🙏
Edit- Well, everyone I did exchange the phone and the same audio issues exist and even some other visual issues in specific applications. I see things like stuttering while scrolling and many other weird bugs. So, I honestly believe the February update needs a patch. The phone seemed to work better when I first set it up, and as soon as I pushed the February update these many different bugs occur. So, I hope for the money that this phone costed me it will be fixed. 
I do understand it's a brand new release so I'm honestly hoping Samsung will work all the bugs out in the near future. So, yeah I wasted $59 dollars exchanging the phone. Also, my provider tried to pull a fast one on me and tried to take my s23 ultra trade in and not give me the promotion on the s25 Ultra. Luckily I am meticulous and I keep very organized records and have proof of everything so if they try to rip me off I will for sure not take that lying down. 
But, I wanted to let everyone know don't jump the gun like I did unless you are 100% sure your phone is defective. And I believe mine was because the audio is still weird but not near as bad as the phone I exchanged. Also, I've noticed inconsistent haptic feedback as well as touch sensitivity issues. Please 🙏 Samsung fix these issues. These high-end phones are very expensive and we Samsung users deserve better. When you pay over $1300 for a phone you expect it to function properly. 
27 Replies
Galaxy S25
Don't hesitate, just exchange it or get a refund. I am also pretty tech savvy, and I specifically read all I can find regarding Samsung devices, and your post is the very first I've come across regarding your audio problems with ANY S25, S24, or S23 series (I own both an S24 Ultra & an 23 Ultra). I would invite others reading your post to give their opinions also, but I don't see how you could go wrong by taking my advice. Please update us on your progress and what you discover.
Galaxy S25
Thank you for the input I am going to keep monitoring it for a couple days and if it keeps up I'm gonna exchange it
Galaxy S25
You're very welcome. And good luck....don't forget to let us know how it goes.
Galaxy S25
My bad volume bar was in the ss.1740024025589.jpg
Galaxy S25
Oh, and I will keep everyone updated
Galaxy S25
I found this and some other stuff but idk. It's so new, but I will probably return it to a different store than I bought it from. My provider has bad customer service in the store in my town.1740023795625.jpg
Galaxy S25
Thanks for the info, I hadn't seen that yet. And believe me, I know exactly what you mean about customer service.
Galaxy S25
Yeah Customer Service is dying everywhere from major corps. It's so very sad they treat us more like we need them more than they need us 😬
Galaxy S25
That's exactly right. Somehow, the thought escapes them - that we are actually the reasons that they have jobs and a way to support their families and themselves. Not too hard to figure out, eh?