Original topic:

Official Galaxy S25, S25+ & S25 Ultra, Shipping, and Feedback Thread

(Topic created: 01-28-2025 12:38 PM)
Samsung Care Ambassador
Galaxy S25

Hello. Everyone that has Pre Ordered a Galaxy S25, S25+ or S25 Ultra, you can post any order or tracking updates here.

This thread is for Galaxy S25, S25+ and S25 Ultra pre-orders!

Usually, we try to include the following information:

- Date ordered:

- Where did you order from (samsung.com, carrier, retailer, etc.):

- Unlocked or Carrier variant:

- Model, storage capacity, Color:

- Did you trade-In:

- Estimated delivery date:

Then, once it ships, please come back and post an update with the same information above, but the actual stated shipping and delivery dates, and maybe even let us know once it's received. 



Here is my stuff:

- Date ordered: Jan 22

- Where did you order from (samsung.com, carrier, retailer, etc.): Samsung.com

- Unlocked or Carrier variant: Unlocked

- Model, storage capacity: 512GB Jet Black

- You can share your trade-in info, if you want: Trading Galaxy S24 ultra

- Estimated delivery date: Feb 7

The link to pre order: Pre-Order Galaxy S25 Ultra 512GB | JetBlack (Unlocked) | Samsung US

605 Replies
Galaxy S25
When it comes to UPS saying "expected" on Thursday, that's really more like Friday! Fingers crossed šŸ¤žšŸ¾
Galaxy S25
Looks like we are getting some early shipping...That said take it with a grain of salt. We go through this every year and for some reason a lot of the times when Samsung creates the label it causes typically FedEx, to say that the orders shipped. But a lot of the times it's left sitting for another week but we'll see, this year UPS is bringing it. 1738082790263.jpg1738082790285.jpg
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S25

- Date ordered: Jan 26

- Where did you order from (samsung.com, carrier, retailer, etc.): Samsung.com

- Unlocked or Carrier variant: Unlocked

- Model, storage capacity, Color: 512GB

- Did you trade-In: Other Samsung Device (M21)

- Estimated delivery date: Feb 7

Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S25
Mine says arrival on Thursday the 30th. They are usually spot on. Wouldn't surprise me if it arrived tomorrow. I've noticed UPS tracking has been unreliable lately. Ordered some items from Fanatics and they had it arriving next week. Got it yesterday. We'll see.
Galaxy S25
Galaxy S25
Hoping, but I'm my experience that first notice of label printed only means that they've put them in the system & the carrier is in the know. The timing still works I just know from being let down too many timesšŸ˜‚ like a kid on Christmas morning who didn't get what he hoped for. The couple of times I remember specifically they both came in that initial promised date not the date that this status update provided. I called and spoke to Sammy & at the time FedEx and it was on Samsungs end. Their date was always the correct one, they'll make the carrier hold it until then even. If they have them in your city or local hub and CAN deliver it Samsung may have notified them that they are not to go out until X date. Heck I dunno. Just providing some things I've experienced. Either way we can all look forward to whatever day we see it, Cheers!
Galaxy S25

I fell in love with the Samsung brand thanks their love of inovations. From the hands free scrolling of the S4 to the camera on the Galexy Gear, and most importantly to this, the Spen. 

I miss all the things Samsung has lost over the years, I wnat to see them all come back. Instead, we just keep losing features. Why? This time around, we are lossing the Spen, Samsung messanger, and yet again Bixby is being left in the dust in exchange for out sourcing. Why? Why must Samsung continue to sacrifice everything that I love about them? They want to be the Apple of the Android world, or the shell for Google, I don't want a Google pixel, or an I phone, I want a Samsung. I want my Spen to not just control my phone, but to conect to my phone, tablet, laptop, and every Samsung device I own so i can have a magic wand. I want to take pictures with my watch in a heart beat so i dont have to take my phone out. I want the inifinty glass, hands free scrolling, samsung messages, advanced camera functions that let me control shutter speed and so much  more. Can we stop removing feature and get back to truely inovating and being Samsung again? Can  we please bring these old features back with the S26? 

I just got the S24 ulltra, and it was features like the Span that convinced me to go ahead and get teh tab S9 ultra as well. I was about to get the TV, smart home, and so much more in the coming years, but if Samsung keeps 86ing featurs, and keeping the same prise point, and just becomes a faster Google pixel that looks like an I phone, whats the point?

From your loving customer, Bowen E. Parton 

Galaxy S25
100%! I joined Samsung when HTC went down. I LOVED HTC but joined Samsung with the note before the note edge and have been very happy with every new model. The 7 was one of my favorites of all time. Was a gorgeous design. Dang battery :fire:. Actually I still have my 1st recall replacement šŸ˜‚.... In my normal fashion I reserved my S24 ultra on launch day. 1tb unlocked from Sammy. Got it set up and have never activated itšŸ˜® still driving my S23 ultra to this day. I love the curved screen. But I'm forcing myself to move away from it. I'll keep the cover on the S24 in the garage & daily the 25. I also ordered what customer service told me is the appropriate S-pen to have the features they ripped from it. That was just goofy.
Hopefully we all get our stuff nice and early on the 30th, my status is still just label printed not picked up. We shall see.
Galaxy S25

anyone has UPS saying they have possession of the package?

or only the tracking number, and UPS still doesn't have possession of the package yet?



Samsung Care Ambassador
Galaxy S25
We may see activity overnight tonight especially if you have 2nd Day Air, so tomorrow and Thursday is 2 days. That lines up with the timing