Original topic:

Bug: Touch Bezel interrupts most dragging actions

(Topic created: 08-05-2024 07:43 PM)
Galaxy Watch
This is a kinda odd software peeve for me but it happens very often with my watch 7. I'll provide an example later to help recreate it to understand the problem. 
When I have my finger on the watch (especially for any hold operation) and my finger crosses the outer radius of the screen, the touch bezel interrupts the action, canceling my previous input in order to scroll up/down from the bezel.

Recreating it: 
This happens the most when I'm rearranging apps on my app drawer and the app is on the right / third column. If I was to hold the app to begin dragging it and I move it slightly upward, the bezel kicks in, lets go of the app and shoots up or down. This is really frustrating, and the bezel is intrusive regardless of where the start input is. Plus, if you tried rearranging your apps and it happens, it completely messes it up or creates random folders.
HOWEVER, this bug happens regardless of any initial tap position - if you hold the middle of the screen and drag to the edge and then move along, it rotates. 

It's really not a huge deal usually but it is really frustrating when it gets in the way - as it *really* gets in the way and theres usually little getting around it. I'm not sure if this would be a bug - I'd like to keep the touch bezel as otherwise I find it very very good. But I think it should only activate when the initial touch radius is on the perimeter, not just whenever it crosses the threshold.
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