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Galaxy Watch 7: Pool length Setting?

(Topic created: 09-04-2024 08:11 AM)
Galaxy Watch

Does anyone know if the Watch 7 has a shorter pool length than previous watches?  Before you could not go shorter than 25 yds.  Or does Samsung continue to ignore this issue for the portion of their customers who have their own pool or belong to a club that has a pool shorter than 25 yds?  And who has a pool that is 95 yds?

13 Replies
Honored Contributor
Galaxy Watch

I would prefer the swim app have dynamic pool measurement, as sometimes you just don't know the length of the pool to input the measurement and, as people have said, you swim in a pool less than 25m.  The watch has GPS, so it would be no problem to measure the actual length/distance, just like with walking or running.

Galaxy Watch
I've noticed my new galaxy watch ultra can be unreliable at auto-counting laps. I'd like it if you could manually lap in these senarios like you can with running. Even without the touch screen, this could be accomplished with a double press on the back button or action button. Please consider this, thanks šŸ™‚
Honored Contributor
Galaxy Watch

 Each time you turn is a new lap/split.  The lap count is based on, I guess, an Olympic sized pool, and anything less is counted as splits.  You have to set the length of your pool, the smallest of which is 25 meters and is the default. If you have a smaller pool, or don't know the size of the pool or don't set the pool size, the count will be inaccurate. What they actually need to do is either let us set a custom length or use GPS to measure distance. This is why the only measurements that matter to me are time, speed and heart rate. Laps mean nothing. Although, for those for whom it is important, manual count would be a good addition -- if one can keep count while swimming, and you would still need to know the length of the pool.

Galaxy Watch
Unfortunately Ive set the length of the pool to 25 yards (size of the pool) and it still isnt reliable.