Original topic:

Galaxy Watch 7 Ultra Delay

(Topic created: 13 hours ago)
Galaxy Watch


I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with the recent change in the delivery date for my watch order. I pre-ordered this watch on July 13th, now the delivery date has been pushed back to September 25. This is unacceptable and I am requesting that Samsung take immediate action to rectify this situation. Waiting two months for new tech is a lifetime considering the next latest and greatest is just around the corner.

I believe that Samsung could have communicated this change to me with options to improve the experience. I only became aware of the delay when I checked my order status online. I would appreciate it if Samsung could improve its communication with customers in the future.

I am a loyal Samsung customer and hope this is a one time thing. However, this recent experience has left me feeling disappointed and frustrated. I hope that Samsung will take my concerns seriously and take steps to ensure that this does not happen again.

4 Replies
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy Watch
This is pretty wild..... they have them down the street from me, and when I go onto the shop, delivery est is 7/31..... have you tried chatting them?
Galaxy Watch
Same boat, ordered July 18th and currently showing Sept 25th. Chatted with a representative on Thursday and they said my order had been sent for fulfillment, will be shipped soon, and that the September 25th date was incorrect. However nothing has changed on my order and still showing a shipping date for September 25th.
Galaxy Watch
I haven't tried chatting yet .. but mine keeps changing too. It's been on 9/25 for a few days now. It would be nice if they told us what was up - even if it was a lie lol
Galaxy Watch
I've contacted them 3 times already and I just keep hearing it's escalated, lots of back order, offering a 25 dollar voucher for the delay anything but what we actually want, getting our premium device we pre-ordered within a MONTH of its release, all the local best buys have them in stock it's really ridiculous, I am a total samsung fan boy and I feel completely betrayed.