Original topic:

Galaxy watch 7 40 mm battery drain

(Topic created: 3 hours ago)
Galaxy Watch
I'm trying to get help with my Galaxy watch 7 I have done every trick you could possibly think of to help with the battery drain I even uninstalled Google assistant and do not use Bixby on it I have shut off the Bluetooth and health monitoring as well and I cannot get this thing to stay charged for more than an 8 hour work day or call AT&T and all they say is I can change it in within 14 days well I'm on my 10th day of having it and don't know if I'll be able to make it to the store because that's the only way I can change it in I've read online that numerous people have had the same issue I don't know what else to do except for maybe try to run it with the tizen OS. Does anybody have any idea what is going on with this watch are they working on an update and should I just tough it out or should I just get rid of it and buy an off brand unless somebody has some help they can offer
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