Original topic:

Has anyone else been seeing this lately?

(Topic created: 11 hours ago)
Galaxy Watch
Take a look at these screen shots. I've said this before but it seems that Samsung Health has real problems with basic arithmetic. (Even though this is a user-to-user forum, I would hope that our friends at Samsung monitor the forum. They should, as it would be good for business.)

I have been noticing this a lot lately, and I've wiped caches, etc to no avail. The hardware has been working fine and I'm not inclined to run down the rabbit hole of filing hardware complaints/returns. It happens with both my Watch5 & Watch7, but what is common to both is Samsung Health. I suspect the problem's roots are in the coding for Samsung Health. 

It's not a deal breaker, but at a basic level it is an unnecessary annoyance derived from a relatively pricey piece of hardware. I think that they can do better. 




10 Replies
Galactic Samsung Care Ambassador
Galaxy Watch

@userpMgFwKaOxb If you are looking at the sleep score and the sleep time, they are not directly related. The score is based on how well you slept and how much time you spent in each of the sleep stages. 

Galaxy Watch
Thanks for your comment, and I do understand my sleep score and the data that it is predicated upon. Please re-read the "health card" captured in the first screenshot. My point is largely targeted upon that inane health card, which, besides being somewhat condescending and annoying, is both misleading and factually incorrect. This is an arithmetic error that has been present since these Health Cards were introduced. This is pretty basic stuff and should not be acceptable. I requested that we have the ability to turn them off when I contacted software support months and months ago. Nothing. I often wonder whether anyone other than the software engineers ever see updates prior to release, and if so do beta participants actually have any real input. I suppose this is an ongoing beta, but arithmetic errors should be corrected prior to release.
Galactic Samsung Care Ambassador
Galaxy Watch

@userpMgFwKaOxb Sleep time is the time from start of sleep detected to end of sleep detected.

Actual sleep time is based on sensor readings and can be shorter than the detected start of sleep and end of sleep. 

Galaxy Watch
Yep, understood. However, please notice that in both cases, today's values were less than yesterday's values. Regardless of which sets of values that are used in the calculation, it still comes down to basic arithmetic.
Galactic Samsung Care Ambassador
Galaxy Watch
The sleep score is a combination of factors. Getting the right type of sleep is going to score higher even though the total sleep duration is less.
Galaxy Watch
I understand this. My point is that the Samsung Health Isight Card says: "Your sleep score rose because you slept more last night than the night before...", which is demostratively wrong based on the metrics that the watch collected. I frankly do not care whether the sleep score rose from 74 to 75 or 99 to 100. It's immaterial. The metrics collected and published within the app do not support the quoted statement. It's sloppy, plain, and simple.

I appreciate your explanation, but I am not talking about the sleep score per se, but rather the fault in the explanation as to why it rose. The quality of the sleep is not what was cited the Insight Card pointed to the quantity, which is clearly wrong.
Honored Contributor
Galaxy Watch
I don't see any problems
Galaxy Watch
Look at the actual sleep times, the day they occurred, and read the first line of the Insight Card. It happens quite often, and it really rubs me the wrong way. I requested a toggle to turn off Insight Cards months ago when talking with Sammy software support. Got some "uh ha's," and "I sees," but no toggle. When I first saw it, I thought it was a joke,a poor one.
Galaxy Watch
I see what you mean, but it might not be about arithmetic or calculations. Perhaps the card is not based on the actual details of the sleep data. Because sleeping more might be one of the reasons for a score increase, they decided to include it on the card. If they are not going to customize the card based on the actual data, they should stick with just providing general helpful and informative tips/pointers/insights on the card. For example, they could have omitted the first sentence on the card in your screenshot. I usually skip the cards and go to the actual details, but others probably pay close attention to them.