Original topic:

Has anyone else been seeing this lately?

(Topic created: 4 hours ago)
Galaxy Watch
Take a look at these screen shots. I've said this before but it seems that Samsung Health has real problems with basic arithmetic. (Even though this is a user-to-user forum, I would hope that our friends at Samsung monitor the forum. They should, as it would be good for business.)

I have been noticing this a lot lately, and I've wiped caches, etc to no avail. The hardware has been working fine and I'm not inclined to run down the rabbit hole of filing hardware complaints/returns. It happens with both my Watch5 & Watch7, but what is common to both is Samsung Health. I suspect the problem's roots are in the coding for Samsung Health. 

It's not a deal breaker, but at a basic level it is an unnecessary annoyance derived from a relatively pricey piece of hardware. I think that they can do better. 




12 Replies
Galaxy Watch
Thanks for the reply. I know there there are a lot of data that goes into any individual sleep score.....but, when the Insight Card tells you that "Your sleep score rose because you slept more last night than the night before..." there is no equivocation about the reason. It is actually telling you the reason your sleep score rose in this case. I think we should take it as it states, as it is a declarative statement (THE actual reason). There is a natural tendency to "read into" things like this, but the Insight Card is putting it straight out there. We both know that there are a lot of factors influencing one's sleep score, but when the reason they state is arithmetically wrong - it's a real problem. The app is supposed to be giving us useful information about our health, not having us interpret its interpretation of our health.
Galaxy Watch
Today, the same declarative: "Your sleep score rose because you slept more last night than the night before." Yes, sir! A whole 5 minutes! And they say Baseball is a game of inches. Those 5 minutes were obviously the longest 5 minutes of my life! These Insight Cards are frankly next to useless, and they do not instill confidence in the "insight" that they give.
Galaxy Watch
Today, I was summarily awoken at 3:55 AM to a notificationon on my watch: "Sleeptastic! You got enough sleep last night for a great sleep score. Well done!"

This could have been a follow on to my Sleeptastic post of 3 weeks ago, but in terms of that post and this thread, this is plain bizarre. Take a look at the actual sleep times in the screen shot from today (below). For those talking about quality of sleep, these must have been the best 4 hour and 5 minutes of sleep I have ever had. I did wake up in a start as though a fire alarm went off, a radiant sun on the screen and a double strong vibration on my wrist (even though I have them set to gentle). I think this behavior, some of which exacerbated by recent firmware and app updates tend to decorate these internal math errors in Samsung Health. At one level I believe the app to be great in a general sense, but looking closer I'm starting to see bits of chaos leaking out. 1742223891602.jpg