Original topic:

Interval Training Support not available on Galaxy Watch 6 Classic

(Topic created: 08-02-2024 06:39 PM)
Galaxy Watch

My current devices are Galaxy Z Flip 5, Galaxy Watch 6 Classic, and Galaxy Watch 6.  I have other training devices including Garmin Mach D2 and Polar Vantage.   I need robust training options that include interval configurations.  After updating to the latest available Samsung Health, I started working with the routine configuration and noticed there are still needless limitations on duration targets that could used for robust interval designs.

I think duration targets on exercises should not be limited by what seems to be arbitrary configurations.  If I want 5 second or 500 second duration targets for exercises,  that should be up to me and my desire for pain.  Most interval training works like the following:

Rounds:  Any number, such as 4

Start Round

1.  Work Interval (Any exercise type) --> Seconds to Minutes

2.  Rest Interval --> Seconds to Minutes

End Round

Another configuration could look like:

Rounds:  Any number, such as 8

Start Round

1.  Work Interval (Any Exercise 1) --> Seconds to Minutes

2.  Rest Interval --> Seconds to Minutes

3. Work Interval (Any Exercise 2) --> Seconds to Minutes

4. Rest Interval --> Seconds to minutes.

End Round

Work and rest intervals need not be uniform.  Options like traditional Tabata and HIIT follow a uniform 20sec/10sec work/rest and 40sec/20sec work/rest configurations.  I think providing these configurations out of the box would appeal to a lot of users.

The other devices I own do not have LTE which is why I have owned Samsung and other LTE wearables.  I see an opportunity to use less devices if I can configure interval training on my Samsung devices.  If this doesn't exist or there will not be plans for it, are there exposed developer APIs I can use to build things myself?  The requirements missing that I need are:

  1. Intervals listed above.
  2. Robust BLE to equipment communication, such as my Stages Sb20 Smart Bike (Stages exposes their BLE for integration). I have used the BLE options currently available and it is severely lacking in data collection metrics as well as device communication.



3 Replies
Galaxy Watch

Yeah it is ridiculous there isn't rest set timers...

Galaxy Watch

Dear Samsung.

I 've been loving the Galaxy Watch I purchased from you. I would like to request a feature. I would like to have the possibility of setting workouts with less than 30 seg in Running, or maybe better also in Circuit training.  For example, I would like to use as a Tabata timer (or HIIT timer) with 20 seconds of exercise and 10 seconds of rest, and decide how many repetitions.

Currently the shortest interval currently is 30 seconds, almost there!!! just offer 10 and 20 seconds, please!

You would make me very happy if this feature is available. 

All the best,



Community Manager
Community Manager
Galaxy Watch

We appreciate your feedback and will tag it on the forum so that it will appear with other feedback, ideas, and requests. This will allow your post to be more easily found in the event that Samsung product groups are seeking outside feedback/requests/ideas regarding our products.
